" Ask Jack "and stuff." Truth is not oggettiva.la relativa.la Wisdom is not truth and wisdom are Jack "(Sai Baba))
and finally we came unexpectedly after months of silence a new appointment to the section and no one can do without, apart from those who have not ever thank you for letta.Stavolta quotation in my title Sai Baba's friend, who I affectionately call it in English "you know-brioche with rum." I have received many emails from you readers, and there are grato.Ma because you know that do not interest me, I delete without even reading it (BWAWAWAAA! !). Today I want to talk about a problem before moving on to the resolution of your unnecessary problems, affecting millions of people around the world and dubbed "the scourge of the twenty-first century." You know what I'm talking about, guessed what I mean. Exact: hair in naso.C 'is people who use methods differenti.Qualcuno makes them grow and take different hairstyles displaying the illusion of having a mustache that perfect riporto.Altri prefer using a kind of special cut with razors that are likely to tear the inner membrane of the nose bleed and die because of epistaxis that consegue.Una small circle instead of the classic trust eyebrow tweezers, painful and moving, say (the tear escapes always), still less to decide the most drastic: the rinotomia, that the surgical amputation of naso.Questa odious task now is not used more by luck, but we know that the latest efforts to issues of aesthetics was Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinous feaci.Ella fact if had not done remove the nose would go on to have long whiskers like Gimli The Lord of the Rings ", and Odysseus would have preferred to drown rather than jumping out of the bush where he was hiding and being found from the sea at the spot where she played ball with ancelle.Se have no idea what he's talking ripassatevi the odyssey, I'm not here to solve everything all ignorant! The solution to this annoying problem is still thinking place, but I certainly will think qualcosa.Intanto continue to use the Comesichiama (tm), which temporarily assist in this. Let us finally heading
so that everyone expected, except me.
Usual caveat: I do not answer some questions that may affect the sensitivity of lettori.Le questions are like this: The plural of after-
is doping?;
-Jag är trot. rat?;
- إلى متى سيظل العالم?
Well, let's start!
careful, some requests may be reali.Ogni reference to existing nicknames can be random, but is not entirely certain.
First question from naftalina32:
-Jack, what is the best way to solve a cube Rubick? Cara-
naftalina32, there are two sure-fire ways: 1
: do not buy it;
2: Do not touch it in any way.
demenzancestrale93 Second question:
Dearest Jack, can you tell me something about my eyes? They are green and yellow rays of the fate of that depart from the spread in the iris and pupil.
-interesting, are the same as mine ... after you them asporto.Allora: rays Yellow you say you are called "lightning" and eyes with this feature are said to be the prerogative of individuals with strong features paranormali.Non exaggerated but still ... it works for me as I can understand from the first sip of tea when I drink is hot or cold. Third question
conceived by that funny guy who knows absolutely and I have never heard before ossadiplatessa54:
-Jack, there is a theory in the archaeological world is called "dissemination". Can you explain what in broad terms?
-This question is a bit 'messy ... For there are many different things in the "dissemination" and some branches of this teoria.Diciamo that is the idea that ancient civilizations belonging to the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks and Egyptians have had trade and cultural exchanges with American and Mesoamerican cultures thousands of years before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, known person who has given us his uovo.Purtroppo any archaeologist worth considering this theory, and those who supported it were excluded from the class of scholars of various campo.Eppure evidence supporting it: some sculptures that recall the horses in Inca city (and the Incas did not know this animal), discoveries of works of art from 'ancient Rome in North America ... Not to mention the pack of happy meal mc donald's in the pyramid of Cheops.
Last question for today from the usual gigidalessiodevemorire63:
Wise-Jack, believe in a higher life form?
-Sure! I knew a guy who has been at least 2 meters high and 20! And it was sooo big.
Well guys, now I leave you, I have a score to settle with a glass of white wine and dozens of his brethren.
Bellaaaaaaa! One who loves you
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