I've never been one who can sell things well and I've never had that ass face that makes you cheat the next without much effort. There are people who could put it to you straight up the backside, without a drop of Vaseline and without you noticing anything. I hate these people, but at the same time I respect ... is likely that if we see one, this success with little effort to make me believe to be born of a pressure cooker. But since everyone has their say, I am today, December 22, 2009, I will try to spread my interpretation of what has happened and what exactly will happen in three years.
All religions have in common as the sky, Bukowsky what he termed "the biggest cunt of all." Well. Another point in common: there is always a God who occasionally makes incursions on Earth to get back on line. Many years ago there was Atlantis, an island populated by beings superforti, superintelligent and gifted. At one point, the Alien-God descended on Earth pissed off dark green and flooded everything (because after freezing i dinosauri voleva provare nuove emozioni). I sopravvissuti si son spostati qua e la nelle terre vicine e hanno riiniziato tutto da capo. Cosi si spiegano costruzioni gigantesche molto lontane e molto simili tra loro (vedi piramidi egizie e piramidi azteche) costruite da uomini-gru in grado di accatastare massi giganteschi come fossero mattoncini della Lego. Dico l'Alieno per due motivi: uno perché è stupido non pensare che su un miliardo di pianeti il nostro sia l’unico abitato. Due perché da poco ho visto un documentario che mi ha illuminato: gli aborigeni australiani durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale deizzarono gli aerei americani che sorvolavano i loro cieli, dato che non ne avevano mai visto uno in precedenza. Realizzarono dei feticci di paglia a the manner of aircraft, used to worship every day. Therefore, it is possible that higher beings, more technologically advanced, have been mistaken for gods by the ancient inhabitants of the Earth. The fact is that after watching the latest episodes of Voyager and mystery of this alien was pissed off again because it's been called ugly and bad, I'll be back again to create us trouble.
But do not worry, this time Bruce Willis will be on our side!
ps. Science is just a fairy tale that makes the peaceful sleep. Do not believe the science, believe me.
But do not worry, this time Bruce Willis will be on our side!
ps. Science is just a fairy tale that makes the peaceful sleep. Do not believe the science, believe me.
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