Letter to the Mayor of Favignana
Egregio Signor Sindaco
Lucio Antinoro
e p.c. Vice-sindaco Sig. Peppe D’Asta
Ass. Turismo Sig.ra Maria Guccione
Ass. Lavori Pubblici Sig. Nicola Torrente
Coordinatore Politico Sig. Salvatore Tammaro
Palermo, 08 febbraio 2010
Oggetto: Stagione turistica 2010: ideas, proposals and suggestions for cleaning, preservation and redevelopment of the area of \u200b\u200bEgadi / Second Note
Dear Mr. Mayor, please ask
In his reply to a note sent to it on 10/12/200, The invitation, on my own behalf and as representative of "Those Marrobbio Butterfly", and the CT Egadi, also to take steps to prevent it from occurring in future cases of illegal dumping on private land fallow or seemingly without a visible use.
As above, it should install signs that read "no landfill" with the attached statement of sanctions under the Code and the Rules of Urban Police.
Unfortunately it is not hard to see places and improper uses of private lands that become sfabbricidi storage, waste, waste or dead branches and tree pruning, as well as being a safe haven for rats, are clearly unsightly, unhygienic and are a detriment the sites themselves, the environment and tourism.
would therefore be appropriate during the period May to August, monitor and control the territory of Favignana at intervals to avoid harmful transgressions and punish those who make mistakes.
regard to the pedestrian area, repair of the road / trail and to reconstruct and restore dry stone walls, as required project in GEO CALA ROSSA , recalling the confrontation had last year in Cala Rossa, in the presence of the Ass. Torrente and policy coordinator Salvatore Tammaro, I urge you to kindly inform me if you have already identified and planned:
- the ban on driving, with release of the transition for residents
- the land (purchase or lease) where you can park the cars and scooters
- creating sites / school to fix the walls and the road / trail
waiting to know your decisions and to meet you to assess the feasibility and possible difficulties here as briefly suggested and required, in compliment to the collection differentiation, greeting cordially, and I wish you good work.
Aldo Bua
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