Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Drinking Pop And Canker Sores

Conservation and tourism development


Reflections in a nutshell:
Every year from June to September, all the media almost daily struggles and laments the deterioration of the places, the dirt roads, beaches, coastal, etc..
smaller islands, the fishing villages and tourist resorts mountain or sea during the summer registering an exponential increase in attendance, difficult to manage.
In Sicily, the municipalities of these towns have not, for various reasons, the resources necessary to monitor, protect, clean, decorate, organize, dispose of waste, etc.., With the negative aspects that this entails.
Periodically, environmental and voluntary groups have denounced the deterioration and extraordinary cleaning organize a one-off, but everything remains basically the same. The political shift
declares, promises, and then for some reason almost always fails to maintain ...

In this context, would require decisive action: il Progetto di Legge Pilota per le Isole Minori siciliane prevede meno pressione ed evasione fiscale e più risorse per la salvaguardia, la pulizia e l'organizzazione delle Isole Minori.

Dovrebbe essere dibattuta, studiata, predisposta e varata in tempi brevi una legge (bipartisan) che preveda:

a) Un'aliquota secca del 15% per la locazione delle case cosiddette "vacanza", il cui ricavato dovrà essere incassato come "tassa di scopo" dal Comune di riferimento e utilizzato esclusivamente per la pulizia e la salvaguardia delle isole di appartenenza. Il locatore dovrà rilasciare la ricevuta al locatario, che potrà dedurre dal reddito almeno il 30% della spesa sostenuta per il soggiorno.

b) The person or entity that sponsors the cleanliness of a place or "adopt" a beach, a creek, etc.. should be able to fully deduct the investment from taxable or tax deductions on the appropriate percentage of the amount invested up to be determined.

Clearly this is a deliberately rough draft: it is still necessary to provide for sanctions, controls and adjusting revisit this "cultural provocation" to the regulations and several possible applications ...

This law would find the resources to maintain, clean and organize the smaller islands for tourism, it is clear a substantial "underground", it would be corrected in the tourist rental, it would decrease the tax burden on leases that would create a healthy conflict of interest between landlord and tenant, it would encourage ecological sponsorship would reduce the costs of the State Environmental Protection Agency , the advertise and effectively a positive image of our beautiful islands with a positive effect on tourism demand, etc ...

As an example of successful environmental protection initiative, we invite you to click the skeptics in this blog the "Project Geo Cala Rossa" and "... have joined Egadi Geo.

As above, write a letter and ask for a meeting Ministers to Tremonti and Prestigiacomo, the Speaker of the House Fini, President of the Senate to Schifani, the Secretary of the PD Bersani, the President of Sicily Region Lombardo, to 'Strange Councillor for Tourism, to ' Armao Department for Cultural Heritage (the smaller islands are a cultural asset to be protected!), the President of the Foundation Cascio Frederick II, the Secretary of the PD Siciliano Lupo, General Manager to the Councillor Salerno Tourism to raise awareness, expose the issues, organize a "round table" and urge the enactment of a legge pilota (possibile esempio di federalismo fiscale) quasi sicuramente a costo zero e preferibilmente con l'accordo di tutte le forze politiche.
Sarà un'utopia? Crediamoci e proviamoci!

Aldo Bua

c.p.a.c. Marrobbio “Quelli della Farfalla”


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