Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kates Playground Thumbblogger

LAN, and USB vboxdrv

Oggi mi sono accorto che Virtualbox OSE (che viene fornita dai repositories di Ubuntu) non supporta USB, e the only way to read a USB device is installed Virtualbox taking it from their site . OSE
  • Uninstall, install the deb package of VirtualBox, the installation is successful, no errors. Launch Virtualbox (which by then had changed its place in the Applications menu, now no longer accessories but in System Tools), virtual machines can see immediately that I had with OSE, perfect. I try to launch a VM, and this is the first problem:
  • followed by the utility board to launch from a terminal
    sudo / etc / init.d / vboxdrv setup
    to install the virtualbox kernel driver and fix the problem.

    great. Too bad that the terminal responds to me

    sudo: / etc / init.d / vboxdrv: command not found

    and here the problem is much more serious.
    Google Google, I found the solution: the command is not found because when the system restarts with a new kernel automatically creates a backup version of
    , which is then renamed
    . So just
    rename it:
    sudo mv / etc / init.d / vboxdrv.dpkg-bak / etc / init.d / vboxdrv
    the command sudo / etc / init.d / vboxdrv setup will

    The problem with USB devices were not totally solved.

    The VM was started quietly, but the USB devices were not seen, and USB devices in Virtualbox menu appears gray and not selectable.

    If it happens to you, go to System
    / Administration / Users and Groups ,
    Manage Groups, select the group
    , Properties, check your user window
    Group members,
    and confirm everything.

    Or even faster, from the command line:
    sudo adduser $ USER vboxusers

    Then restart Ubuntu, and enjoy (at last !) USB devices in your virtual machine.


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