Today I would like provide a review on how to use your device from your computer through a WiFi connection.
The requirements are: 1. The application Veency (free download from Cydia) 2. a jailbroken device, necessary to download the application, 3. Chicken of the VNC for Mac users or Real Vnc for Windows users
First start the program you downloaded. Having I use a Mac Chicken of the VNC.
The only option is set by the Host. Here you must enter the IP address of your WiFi. To find the IP address take your device (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch), go to Settings => WiFi, activate it and make a tap on the blue arrow on your network. This will open a menu and one of the first items is the IP address, write it down and put it in the Host of Chicken of the VNC (Real VNC or if you use Windows).
Now Veency downloaded for free in Cydia. After installation there will no icon, so do not worry if you do not see anything.
Now you just need to position yourself to your computer and click "Connect". In our device we will be asked to accept or reject the connection, we do a tap on the "Accept". And if everything went well you should have a screen like this on your computer.
I think it is this application is very convenient if we write messages or texts, as the computer keyboard integrates with the application. If we want to simulate the home button, just click the right button (eg to exit the application).
One last tip, when used in this application I recommend that you disable the automatic screen lock the device by going to Settings => General => = Automatic Lock> Never.
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