CityCatalogue, 200 € for dummies ... Or impossible?
Poco tempo fa mi sono imbattuto in un sito che prometteva 200€, semplicemente rispondendo a 200 domande sulle capitali di tutto il mondo. Le domande erano contenute in ogni pagina del sito, in modo tale che l'utente, navigando per visualizzare le domande, visitasse il sito, facendo ottenere al sito stesso molti click. Le domande sono in ordine sparso, ed ogni risposta esatta corrisponde ad un punto (1€); al raggiungimento di 200 punti si ottengono i 200 €.
Il problema is that when you reach 120 points, the questions are missing, which however are still many, are very rare to find, or rather, there are always questions that have already responded. And that's frankly impossible, because 80 out of 200 total questions missing are many and can not get out so rarely that. The only explanation is that the software provides some questions that have (for example) 0.01% chance of escape. And so it is frankly impossible to reach 200 points. In fact, surfing the internet I have not heard of people who had managed to win the prize. Even installing virtual machines that respond to our place.
The only way to win is to enter a name Our other persons (the so-called Referral), every ref that reaches 120 points, it is worth 1 €.
So, unless you have many (many) friends, this site, in my opinion is a waste of time. The webmaster of this site (Russian, but translated into many languages \u200b\u200bincluding Italian), have found a great way to increase the click (and profits) of the site, pity it is not very transparent.
For the more adventurous you will find the site here .
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