five in the morning. The fog in the city began to be seen, the sounds became muffled and some hooker went home. The problem is that some knew them.
E 'bright enough not to hurt the eyes after a hangover, and dark enough not to be recognized if you are drunk.
always choose this time for the meeting with the messenger, every day has always been the same point of each village. I know there are places to meet predetermined even in deserts or in the ocean, but now I would be served in any case if I was concerned I would have known by instinct. We take these things to look for their lost relatives ... cock.
My meeting place was a building decadent and decayed, that kind of barely suitable to receive the toxic dose for them, but it was put to believe that they too would have their reservations.
I had to walk two more miles, and the idea of \u200b\u200bwalking made me tired even before starting. On the night bus was missing half an hour, so I took the opportunity to get something to eat at a fast food, too poor to take a taxi. The beauty of these places is that if you hunger, there is always something open, if you're thirsty, there is always something open and if you want to fuck ... well, same thing. The place was a typical diner, open 24 hours than 24, American film style. What he was doing in this fucking desert metropolitan own I had no idea, but the smell of food was a burst of poetry to my nostrils.
I opened the door to the spring of that caravan and I too grew up in a grimace that he had also noted that the bell, as the resale of liquor Simon. I began to hate those things.
I looked at the place: the bar on the left throughout the room and tables on the right. Bathroom basically perfect. I would not have confused at least.
Two of the three tables were occupied. One housed a homeless drunk who purred, the other a heterosexual couple of goth, romantic ones that give meaning to death, as if death cared something about being romantic or not.
stereotypes like the best that you meet, there were some stools at the counter, of which only one is occupied by a kind of paunchy worker suspected that something to be sipped coffee. But what the hell to do the people at five in the morning? Probably the vast majority of people going around looking for these bars massacred by time, apparently.
I laid the ass on the stool next to the till, and was soon to shoot from behind the counter a sort of barbie di cinquant'anni circa, come il chewing gum che masticava noncurante dell'inquinamento acustico che provocava.
Esordì con uno squillante:
- Cosa ti porto, tesoro?
Probabilmente era una di quelle che chiamavano "tesoro" anche il commercialista, o il gatto, o il tappeto davanti alla porta.
- Pane tostato, due uova sode e una birra grande.
- Non posso venderti alcolici a quest'ora.
- La birra non è un alcolico, è uno stile di vita. Vuoi sopprimere la mia esistenza, "tesoro" ?
Il tipo di fianco a me, l'operaio, fece un ghigno divertito senza levare lo sguardo dalla tazza mentre beveva, stile "ho sentito, ma non ci sono". The fossil
waitress walked away and went to give the order to the kitchen, fearfully hidden from view of customers. There had to be a fashion that I did not know, because she mumbled something. Apparently all he muttered. Cabbages, so use this term that is losing meaning ...
looked a bit 'the guy at my side. He turned and a deep husky voice and asked me with warm air:
- Is something wrong? -
- No, I thought I saw you somewhere, but maybe I'm wrong .- I said.
He looked at me wearily: - Possibly, you see so many people in life that is sometimes very difficult to remember all .-
Too much wisdom for a worker who was sipping coffee. He returned to Miss Honey and leaned on the counter of my order, with a beer straight out of a relic of World War II. At least it was cold.
I took a sip and it was not bad. Before you bite into the first slice of toast, dark to be sure the Middle East, I stopped the arm with a hand reminiscent of the burned skin of a chicken: - I am 6 and 80, beautiful .-
- Before I was a baby, now 'beautiful'. Are downgraded or evolved? - And handed her a bill of ten: - Do not keep the rest .- He left and said impatiently aloud: - But all you have to mumble something when you leave? What the fuck is a disease? - I swear, I was really annoyed. The tramp woke up suddenly, looked around and began to sleep and snore, the goths looked at me like I had leprosy with the typical faces of the nobles who see the dregs for the first time and the worker did the expression of before. Apparently he had one of those bottomless cups they sell on TV, as he continued to drink.
The eggs were undercooked, still a bit 'in and out of the chick. The bread was charred and the old beer, but cool. I was fine.
- How do you eat that stuff? - She asked the classmate.
- It's called hunger. And how do you keep a cup for so long? Had it been a pipe I would have charged at least three times .-
smiled and placed his immortal cup on the counter for the first time: - The important thing is not how long you keep what you have, but how you feel .-
was beginning to intrigue me: - I am Jack
.- - I name is Ishmael-
Everything began to turn myself around, and it was not beer. Only a kind of sudden mental vortex, which immediately stopped. The doors and windows were closed, but a slight wind made a little flutter 'sheets of orders and lifted the cloth. I found my contact.
I stood silent for a moment, then asked: - There are still many who roam the night as we do? -
ate the leaf and said that more answer: - There is now no longer so many people. Few, but good, and are not what they show. You cloves lot, even if you're dressed in black .-
Ok. They're looking for. I wonder what I did before I forget again.
- Can I buy you a coffee? - I asked Ishmael.
- I do not drink coffee .-
- So take what the fuck you want, my treat .-
He called the chewing gum of the Jurassic and ordered a Chivas Regal. Probably not the contacts or messengers were teetotalers.
waited for him to finish his drink, as I watched him and thought it would be like after. Everything changes, when there were people.
He finished his drink, paid, presi una birra da portare via e lui tenne la tazza portandola con se.
All'uscita suonò ancora quel fottuto campanello. Alzai un braccio e strappai tutta quella roba dalla porta. La cameriera rimase sotto shock, i goths tirarono un sospiro di sollievo, Ismaele rise e io mi sentii più sollevato. Il barbone probabilmente era morto: non russava più e teneva ancora gli occhi chiusi.
Buttai sul marciapiede quella roba odiosa e comincia a seguire l'uomo tazza. Per dieci minuti non disse niente, continuava a sorseggiare. Dovetti rompere io il ghiaccio: - Perché non ti fai vedere meglio? Non ti sta bene quell'aspetto.-
Rise di nuovo, rimenendo di spalle. Rimase fermo, senza girarsi, un lieve fumo cominciò to wrap.
When the smoke cleared, it was wrapped in a black coat, with very high collar.
- Of course you're a pretty boring stereotype .- I said bored. He only changed the clothes, even the cup was still in his hand.
- I am so comfortable .-
- And the cup? There were so when you bought the dress in the eighteenth century .-
batman - I like the cup, and there's one thing I can always find .-
- Your self-esteem? -
Rise of taste - I have said you were shit, but not weighed was funny! -
I did not feel funny.
- What the hell is in that cup? -
- There you are. Or rather, what I need to know about you .-
- Spit it then it must have a take taste .-
- It 's very intense, and I'm sure not make fun of my clothes if I knew your .-
- Do not take them around. I do not need. Rather, as we go from there? -
- Walking .-
- You're a pain in the ass .-
- I know not .-
we took the bus, and I did not want to walk. But if a contact wants to walk and lose time, it means that those who called me is not ready yet and needs time to prepare questions and welcome.
The beer was ending.
- Got a cigarette? -
- Do not smoke .-
- This sign me .-
five more minutes passed and turned towards me, he had finished the contents of the cup and crying.
- At your age you cry? Come on, I'll buy you another cup of coffee or something stronger .-
- I'm sorry ... -
- What? -
- All you've lived ... It hurts. I understand that you want to forget ...-
became serious, I was pissed.
- Who gave you that cup? Tell me! -
- you know already, we're going to her. In fact, you're going, I do not need it now. Maybe we will meet somewhere else or at another time .-
- you? -
- You're about to meet her .-
- But I must break my ass to cal ... -
were two. Two very sharp stabbing pains and height of the shoulder blades. I screamed like a madman, I dropped the bottle did not break, some cats escaped from the dumpsters in the alley next door, a dog began to howl in despair.
The pain was slow, strong, sharp and steady. He always went ahead, I departed.
under the shoulders, chest, two bright red spots and they made their way out of my skin, screwed and tearing muscles and clothes. I looked incredulous, his mouth still open, but I could not to scream. A few tears down her cheeks. Red tears.
I turned my eyes on Ishmael looked at me with pity, as if he knew what this kind of torture. He was the voice of an old man who has had many wars when he said
- You have white eyes. Completely. We quickly resume your characteristics .-
With a sort of gasp, I tried to speak
- P. .. e. .. r. .. c. .. h. ..-
- Do not you go into 'pause' because you do not have the permission. And luckily you have got good conscience, otherwise we could not have ever made .-
Meanwhile, the business came from my heart had reached a length of about ten centimeters, and out sprang forward, followed by cables that looked like steel, covered by my blood and my flesh to shreds.
will open as an umbrella and went back, sinking hooks on my body. All the air from the lungs suddenly came to me when I was thrown on the road back a few meters. I felt faint, was a fucking bad. Those fucking harpoon pulled me and dragged back, I saw blurred the man away and threw the cup on the ground in a wave of broken shards.
I was about to lose consciousness, and tore threw the harpoon, the skin was stretched and appeared to tear a slow draining. I saw the reflection of street lights on that I had left pools of blood on the asphalt, my eyes were shut out in the dark so that I liked in the past.
I tried to keep a glimmer of lucidity, but it was hard, I could not ... A final sentence of the man in the cup, just like a sigh which made much noise that I was released just before the url:
- Mi ... you ... a ... ...- jacket
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