had blown only once. Some kind of warning, as if to say: "Hey, ass-face! There are still."
I hoped he did sober up or go away, if it were a new disease of fucking shit. But no, his presence seemed to me only negligible, by drunk. But there was the same.
I had to ask where it came from, but I just need to levarmelo by the balls.
grabbed the Cutty Sark and I motioned for Joseph to follow me as I walked into the back of the room. We left Simon to open the shop for the afternoon shift and serve some other fortified or occasional bum or new age.
I had no desire to speak, and let me tell you a little 'Smile for Life, which I did without any question. I took two wooden boxes and put them on the ground: we now had the chairs.
- at least you listening? - He complained Teeth Casual.
- No - replied dryly.
- Fuck Jack. However summarize: I have a flat in the center and a disability pension because working in a factory of detergents, chemicals have damaged my eyes. -
- Bullshit .-
- True. But my lawyer was able to show that it was the truth. -
- Bevi.Hai cigarettes? I handed him the bottle .-
- No Tobacco and maps if you want. -
picked up the bottle and pulled out from his jeans pocket a packet of Golden Virginia.
- Do not you have yours?! He complained as I took the bag of tobacco .-
- yes - I turned
a cigarette and lit it with zippo. Cicciocapriccio came after two seconds flat, and opening the curtain that separated the closet where we were, she said, almost stammering
- Smoking is not allowed here though ...-
- Even beyond shit. - And pointed to the other side of the curtain behind him.
He left muttering something like "mule", but it felt good.
continued to drink and smoke. The floor was filled with cigarette butts died during the fulfillment of their craft, and their heads were getting lighter. Without taking the piss from the box-seat, stretched out his arm and took a bottle at random from a box at random. Tequila time. Ay Caramba, I'm going heavy! Better to end it quickly. You are tequila? I have to finish. Smile not stand the pace, his eyelids began a dare segni di cedimento.
- Oh! Che ore sono? - Gli chiesi scuotendolo per una spalla.
- Eh? Ah, sono quasi le sei... -
Decisi di lasciarlo dormire un po', così avrei avuto del tempo per riflettere da solo.
Non riuscii a farlo. Appena svitai il tappo della José Cuervo, la lasciai cadere sul pavimento, tra i miei piedi, dove si ruppe e sparse il suo contenuto ad affogare i cadaveri delle sigarette. Smile si scosse e si svegliò, non capendo per un attimo dove si trovasse. Mi guardò.
Avevo la fronte corrugata e le mascelle serrate. Ero incazzato. Ero furioso. Il respiro rompipalle si fece sentire ancora, ma stavolta era rapido, sembrava quello di un toro alla corrida. I jumped up and almost tore the curtain and smile as I left the closet behind me wondering what the fuck I was taken suddenly. At that moment they heard the doorbell ringing, Simon looked at me scared and he appeared in the doorway. John Doe.
He stopped a few steps from the door, eyes wide with surprise and terror. A voice that seemed to whistle a deep breath and joined to the felt on his neck, told me to start. I knew instinctively what I should start doing, and I did not hesitate. Reached with a jump that guy, who tried to protect himself by bringing his hands forward, to no avail. - You can not already be at this point! - Shouted at the top of his voice.
The environment turned gray and misshapen, time stopped. I opened my right hand and arm in a gesture of dilaniai the chest, as if I had the talons. The weather now began to flow, things returned to their colors and their actual size.
I was standing in front of him. He collapsed to his knees and clasped his hands on the bleeding wound.
I sensed that there were still at the counter and Joseph Simon Based on the smell of shit emanating from the fat of the beaver and the voice that choked said - Oh, shit! .-
revolves around the mysterious John Doe plan, without taking his eyes off him.
- Do not! Please! - Begged, coughing. I was growling
softly. I licked my hand soaked with his blood and felt a shiver of intense pleasure. The grabbed her hair and forcefully pulled them back. He looked up toward my face grinning, full of sheer terror. I opened my mouth a little, showing the canines that felt pulsating. Cala's head shot on his pale neck and bites with all the strength I had, almost decapitating the bastard. I let go the grip of the teeth, spit a considerable part of his trachea and took his hand from her hair. He slumped forward, inert.
I turned around, sank a hand into the wound that I had in my chest and tore my heart, along with the pendant around his neck. The breath was gone.
looked at the heart I kept in my right hand and began to melt. The body on the ground was melting in the same way, and quickly disappeared both. I got up and spat contemptuously on the stain remained on the floor, putting the pendant around his neck, rediscovering feelings that I had found. I was no longer angry, I felt satisfied.
I turned and saw that there was no one. I went to look behind the curtain and discovered, not without a smile, that these two had escaped by a narrow window at the top that I had never noticed, using the shelf that covered it as a ladder. They dropped at least a dozen boxes full of bottles, and the room you could smell the fear of Simon Brand and spirits of various general.
Poor devils, I must have frightened them to death, I thought.
I left the room, I adjusted the neck and noticed that the blood was gone from my hands like other times in the past, back when I was doing my rounds at night. I smiled.
Finally I was able to eliminate Kruor.
Finally, after centuries, remembered.
And I was hungry.
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