Giovanni Valentini
La Repubblica, 03/03/2011
It was not raining so for forty years, according to statistics from the national meteorological unperturbed, in the Marche flagellate weather. And before the storm water, snow and wind that rages from one end of the boot, there is a strong temptation to resort once again to the cynicism of an old popular proverb to say that for forty years we had a government so prone to appropriation misappropriation and use of land.
But really this is just the latest episode, in chronological order, of an endless story that unfortunately takes a long time and now has transformed our beloved peninsula in Malpaese more sinister and vulnerable in Europe. Let us hope that, sooner or later arrive at a reasonable ending.
There is no disaster or natural disaster that may in fact be relegated to the size biblical destiny, without calling into question the responsibility or at least the co-responsibility of man, the man of the government and the man in the street, the mighty and the ordinary citizen. Victims, wounded and missing, mudslides, landslides and flooding, damage and ruins are just the sad result of the conjunction between the fury of the elements and the inaction or neglect of human beings. Everything, except emergency event that is unforeseen and unpredictable, accident, accident of history.
therefore not surprising that much even the news that Indonesia in the post-earthquake reconstruction has proceeded faster than Eagle. Despite the rhetoric of triumphalism government someone might wonder if anything to the contrary.
There is always the hand of man, his speech, his absence or at least his complicity in the collapse of the territory which aggravates the effects and consequences of natural phenomena. That is, the excessive consumption of the soil, altering buoyancy widespread hydro-geological, reckless of the coasts, and anything else illegal. When the hills and mountains crumbled to the valley, often depends on the phenomenon of uncontrolled logging that cuts through the trees and destroy the "network" of underground roots. When the river overflows, flooding the countryside and claiming victims, the most common cause is the diversion of river beds or the originating artificial transformation of the banks. And so on, to ruin in destruction.
lacks a comprehensive policy of the territory, it lacks the prevention, are exempt from time to time amnesties or pardons: and then yes, the government is really "thief" because it deprives the community and future generations a heritage irreproducible. But it lacks even the ordinary maintenance, that which is first to the State, central agencies and local government. And though it is also a private citizen: the farmer, the owner, tenant or the individual blocks, each of us short in their habitat vital to promote what Salvatore Settis called "people's share" in the book entitled Landscape, Constitution, Cement, invoking a battle against environmental degradation, civil.
land policy means, first, government and territorial management. Care, control, planning, planning. But before, it means the local culture: that is, knowledge and respect. Awareness of a common good, of belonging and identity. And so, nature conservation, environment, landscape.
A mud material and a virtual mud now threatens to engulf Italy. The sludge produced by the weather, water and earth. And the sludge produced by the rampant immorality, hedonism and unbridled dall'affarismo. Both must be stopped, in ragione della responsabilità e della solidarietà.
La convivenza di una comunità nazionale si fonda necessariamente sull'etica civile. Questa riguarda l'ambiente in senso stretto e l'ambiente in senso lato, la società e la politica. Non c'è legge elettorale, consenso popolare o federalismo municipale che possa surrogare o sostituire un tale valore costitutivo. È proprio attraverso la devastazione del territorio che rischia di passare fatalmente la disgregazione del Paese.
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