Sunday, March 6, 2011

Repulsion Power Bond Energy

The hydrogeological Forgot

Carlo Petrini, La Republica 04/03/2011

possible that when you are concerned with land management, security, environmental degradation, avoid all landscape name it? Still more rain and disasters of all kinds. Still good reason to land degradation, the reckless overbuilding, lack of visions long, consistent, and shared projects.
Many of the factors considered, there are many levels of responsibility. But the call is always missing the same word and the same theme: Agriculture. How do they do? When thinking of land management, environment, degradation of landscape as heck do all our commentators and politicians to avoid naming agriculture? And as a citizen can never grasp the link between individual behavior and its consequences in terms of common assets if the relationship more evident with his daily life (food!) Is systematically ignored by the analysis? Not only are we what we eat, but we are also the way they grow. Decades of recklessness in the management of hydrological soil were accompanied by decades of healthy farming, eco-design of the health of the country has been systematically relegated to the bottom of the priority list of anyone, beginning with the relevant ministers. It is this morning the news that the current Minister of Agriculture can not wait to get out of a chair that has always been considered less prestigious than it is for him: the prospect of change to the culture, the one with a capital letter, it attracts quite a lot. And even before being appointed to his current position honestly expressed his disinterest in doing the "Minister of mozzarella cheese." The academic side is not more consoling: it is a couple of days ago an interview with one of the best known and respected experts in viticulture and enology that clears the whole area of \u200b\u200borganic farming and biodynamic agriculture as "farming crib." Social prestige on the one hand, echoing the other economy: the attitude of Giancarlo Galan da un lato e quello di molti accademici dall´altro ci danno la misura di come l´agricoltura più sana e lungimirante sia stata deprivata di ogni fascino, di ogni sostegno, di ogni politica adeguata, di ogni competenza e attenzione politica. Certo che le colline e le montagne franano. Chi le coltivava con saggezza e sapienza non è stato aiutato a restare dov´era, nessuno ha riconosciuto il suo ruolo, nessuno ha remunerato adeguatamente i suoi prodotti. Tutti gli hanno detto, con le parole o con i fatti, che l´unica cosa sensata da fare era correre verso la pianura, dove i guadagni erano più rapidi, facili e sicuri, e se non erano guadagni che arrivavano da un lavoro agricolo meglio ancora: un po´ di cemento e via, con un´anima brand new. Well, not so much that "it rains, government thief." It is raining after decades of governments eager for success and immediate consensus, governments that have not built well, who did not trust who could advise and help to build economies certainly slower, but more just and more stable than at present. And while these economies collapsed we are so far from recognizing the value of agricultural work that we do not know even pronounce the name


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