Paul Galazzo, Il Secolo XIX, 6/3/2011
Today we are witnessing a dangerous and devastating attack on the school and here comes the need for some thoughts.
I believe as a teacher in school that there are three ongoing emergencies
The reception and integration of foreign students.
The defense and environmental protection.
In Italian schools do not inculcate ideologies, but surely you want to impress a first citizenship education must be targeted on the sense of legality and ethics of responsibility that the development is carried out when students learn to know and respect the values \u200b\u200bof the Italian Constitution.
On the meaning of the Constitution, its history, its freshness, its relevance and sacredness have nothing to add, is just to point out that teachers must be challenged by us as the text is generated from the action teaching-learning, under the pressure of the changes of globalization, must be constantly updated.
public intervention in the school reception and integration of foreign students become de facto application of those principles which belong to the constitutional and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I therefore believe that approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the schools in the Val di Magra, the District Social Health, the cooperative cultural mediation "Open World" signed September 15, 2010 is certainly the ability of public school and not just to incorporate the social and economic change and become subject to actions designed to achieve what the Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states.
I think it is equally important to instil in young people a more careful and responsible attitude towards environmental issues.
Ecology gives a sense Back to Geography because this area includes terrestrial physics, the biosphere and human settlements.
have reduced the number of hours the subject in the cycle of school for first and second grade has been a resounding failure.
I think the sociologist Edgar Morin, considered one of the most prestigious figures of contemporary culture, as a test: "The seven knowledge necessary education of the future," has captured very well the need for a comprehensive review of knowledge. In Chapter identity and consciousness land claims that we must learn to "be there" on the planet. Learning to be no means to learn to live, share, communicate, to be a community .... as humans on the planet earth. We must not only be of a culture, but also to land. We must strive not to dominate but to care, improve, understand. We need to inscribe us in the environmental awareness that the consciousness of living with all mortals, the same living sphere (biosphere).
only in public schools can inculcate these principles to form the ecological conscience.
And only with this environmental awareness that you can understand the devastation that surrounds us with land, water, air. Become aware and then act.
Paul Galazzo
Movement Stop the use of the land. Group Val di Magra and La Spezia
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