Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jamaican Salt Beef Stew

"Ask Jack" Part 9. "I did not think would last so long" (cicciolina)

And again we have, I have called once again and I answer. For no other reason, I had nothing else to do.
So, during this time many things have happened in the world, some of the series, many other important and irrelevant. As usual, I highly slam, then you understand that this will be discussed on this blog (MUHAHA!). However

also happened to me are things that nobody would believe, so why tell her? So do not believe me and save my breath. Add me I'm about my # #.
change the subject. Another of my invention is depopulated island in the prefecture of Tokushima Shikoku, Japan. Knowing the passion of Eastern infusions, I created the milk in sachets of tea, and I called it "latthe. Logically, the product was not immediately accepted, but took only a few tricks and now is selling like hotcakes. The first ploy was to use another product to manufacture, and thus was born the "latthe soy." The second trick was just a stroke of genius ad: I started selling it in cans and call it "latthettina. The slogan then did the rest: "It is nice to drink directly from latthettina.
Before long we will make a movie, but I do not think everyone can see, they say it depends on the age of a person. Mutter something about the limit of 18 years but I honestly do not quite understand why. What then, finally, that texture can have a movie based on a latthettina? Ok, we make a porno, but it's Japanese ... We see him drink from a latthettina godzilla? Latthettina a giant. A latthettona. Bah, fetish Japanese will never understand.
Okay Ladies and Siori, comes once your savior, the guru of the answer. As we do not arrive, I'll tell you: I am.
Many e-mails have arrived, some in which I was asked to help a desperate I read them with friends to make fun and laugh out loud, and then I deleted all the usual (EHEH!).
Some, however, I have asked for the road and to these I can not answer.
Gentlemen, some questions saranno tenute in considerazione per la non ledere sensibilità dei lettori (anche se tutto pubblico e poi mi piace stare farli malissimo). Le domande che proprio
cago non sono neanche se mi sparate:
- Ascoltando satanica first canzone al contrario, che si è Vero Sente il Coro dell'antoniano?;
- כמה עולה אחד מטבע האירו האירו?
if that serves for five years. And who makes three?

Ok, si va!
Attenzione, potrebbero essere alcune richieste reali.Ogni riferimento in existing nicknames can be random, but is not entirely certain.

The first comes to us from ginocchiosgranocchiato86:
- Jack, my chewing 'gum is very tasty, and I wondered if it were always so good.
- And the question is?
- Oh, yeah, sorry. The chewing 'gum tastes have always been pleasant?
- You humans make me scompisciare. However, not for your taste, chewing gum have not always had these captivating aromas. The first chewing gum which is known to exist, was discovered in Sweden, has 9000 years and was composed of vegetable resin and honey. In other parts of the world used the resin (mmm. .. deli!) As well as the Maya, those who wish us harm a casino with their predictions about the end of the world in 2012, chewing the latex of a plant called sapotilla. In the nineteenth century in America the first commercial chewing gum was made from pieces of spruce resin. Now, I really like the resin, but I do not have a good taste for you. If you really want to try attacking a tree. Now we hear

- Hey Jack! See you later for a beer? I must ask you one thing: what is sdrubalgia?
- interpretasopracciglia88 Hello! First question: no. Second question, then, since you have just invented this word to prove myself, I tell you already that there is, but I can find a definition anyway. The greek-suffissoide algia means pain, in fact, just think of sciatica, pain in the sciatic nerve. The other word can be a contraction of the name Asdrubal, the younger brother of Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian leader known for his descent into Italy with 37 elephants in the Second Punic War. So if you have the sdrubalgia, you hurt the younger brothers of the leaders with the elephants. And you hurt me even after this question. You will have the Jackalgia.

Third question! Calls toccazebedei16:
- Jack, because it brings bad luck Friday the 13th?
- quaestio is not so simple ... First let's be clear: Friday 13 should only bring bad luck to the men and now I'll explain why: In ancient societies, before moving to the patriarchate, was purely matriarchal. Each year, a king who was elected after his mandate, the thirteenth month, was sacrificed and quartered in honor of the goddess mother, the earth. His blood and his flesh were then scattered in the ground for a good harvest. That's why the 13 brings bad luck. Friday brings bad luck because it is the day dedicated to Venus, goddess of women, venerated by the matriarchs of this culture. But another explanation has been given less pagan: they were in 13 diners at the Last Supper, including Judas, which is to blame for what happened then. In my opinion, it happened long before the Last Supper. Type breakfast.
with threats of death, dear / a francescalberto:
- Dear Jack, there are giraffe polka dot? And if there are relatives of the lady bugs? Since my passion is to squeeze pimples (pibisiasa), you can crush the blacks points of ladybugs? One last thing: help me comb my neck of the giraffe?
- Mamma mia, how much stuff ... So let's start with calm and patience in order. Well ...
1) The giraffes are all spotted. Because they are garish, however, they dress like that stupid leopard a bit 'gay I must say.
2) No, no relatives of ladybugs for a mere convenience. If you are laying on a ladybug you're lucky, if you were laying on a giraffe six fractured.
3) Your passion is not as rare as it sounds, I know lots of people who have this hobby. If you really want to crush the blacks of the points ladybugs, I remind you that you can not do it without a license you can get going in all the centers of the league "Spiker points of blacks ladybugs, which are financed by the" Friends of aestheticism entomological ".
4) I would like very much, but I can not for a little difficulty penalty. They can not get close to giraffes for less than 150 meters stalking.

The last question comes to us as always by gigidalessiodevemorire63:
- Jack, you can hear his ass tastes?
- interesting topic. There are two theories to about ... The first concerns the fact that many people are called "faces of ass" and then would be able to feel a taste for anatomical fact. The other is the theory that when you eat something disgusting, you say "it tastes like shit," and it is assumed that by not eating fecal matter you are familiar with this taste anal sphincters. They're still doing studies on this, but the market is already invading (it must be said) this field: the Kellogg's is already planning to launch the supposed chocolate for breakfast.

Fine! We feel the next time, I am exhausted and need to drink nine beers before a totally relaxed.
Until next time, if you will, I always forget that you are mortal. BWAWAWAAA!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blepharitis Caused By Food Allergy

bloggers to work

Jack (left) and Andre (right)