Sunday, March 6, 2011

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... Inculcate environmental protection and agriculture

Paul Galazzo, Il Secolo XIX, 6/3/2011

Today we are witnessing a dangerous and devastating attack on the school and here comes the need for some thoughts.
I believe as a teacher in school that there are three ongoing emergencies
The reception and integration of foreign students.
The defense and environmental protection.

In Italian schools do not inculcate ideologies, but surely you want to impress a first citizenship education must be targeted on the sense of legality and ethics of responsibility that the development is carried out when students learn to know and respect the values \u200b\u200bof the Italian Constitution.

On the meaning of the Constitution, its history, its freshness, its relevance and sacredness have nothing to add, is just to point out that teachers must be challenged by us as the text is generated from the action teaching-learning, under the pressure of the changes of globalization, must be constantly updated.

public intervention in the school reception and integration of foreign students become de facto application of those principles which belong to the constitutional and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I therefore believe that approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the schools in the Val di Magra, the District Social Health, the cooperative cultural mediation "Open World" signed September 15, 2010 is certainly the ability of public school and not just to incorporate the social and economic change and become subject to actions designed to achieve what the Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states.

I think it is equally important to instil in young people a more careful and responsible attitude towards environmental issues.
Ecology gives a sense Back to Geography because this area includes terrestrial physics, the biosphere and human settlements.
have reduced the number of hours the subject in the cycle of school for first and second grade has been a resounding failure.
I think the sociologist Edgar Morin, considered one of the most prestigious figures of contemporary culture, as a test: "The seven knowledge necessary education of the future," has captured very well the need for a comprehensive review of knowledge. In Chapter identity and consciousness land claims that we must learn to "be there" on the planet. Learning to be no means to learn to live, share, communicate, to be a community .... as humans on the planet earth. We must not only be of a culture, but also to land. We must strive not to dominate but to care, improve, understand. We need to inscribe us in the environmental awareness that the consciousness of living with all mortals, the same living sphere (biosphere).
only in public schools can inculcate these principles to form the ecological conscience.

And only with this environmental awareness that you can understand the devastation that surrounds us with land, water, air. Become aware and then act.

Paul Galazzo
Movement Stop the use of the land. Group Val di Magra and La Spezia

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The hydrogeological Forgot

Carlo Petrini, La Republica 04/03/2011

possible that when you are concerned with land management, security, environmental degradation, avoid all landscape name it? Still more rain and disasters of all kinds. Still good reason to land degradation, the reckless overbuilding, lack of visions long, consistent, and shared projects.
Many of the factors considered, there are many levels of responsibility. But the call is always missing the same word and the same theme: Agriculture. How do they do? When thinking of land management, environment, degradation of landscape as heck do all our commentators and politicians to avoid naming agriculture? And as a citizen can never grasp the link between individual behavior and its consequences in terms of common assets if the relationship more evident with his daily life (food!) Is systematically ignored by the analysis? Not only are we what we eat, but we are also the way they grow. Decades of recklessness in the management of hydrological soil were accompanied by decades of healthy farming, eco-design of the health of the country has been systematically relegated to the bottom of the priority list of anyone, beginning with the relevant ministers. It is this morning the news that the current Minister of Agriculture can not wait to get out of a chair that has always been considered less prestigious than it is for him: the prospect of change to the culture, the one with a capital letter, it attracts quite a lot. And even before being appointed to his current position honestly expressed his disinterest in doing the "Minister of mozzarella cheese." The academic side is not more consoling: it is a couple of days ago an interview with one of the best known and respected experts in viticulture and enology that clears the whole area of \u200b\u200borganic farming and biodynamic agriculture as "farming crib." Social prestige on the one hand, echoing the other economy: the attitude of Giancarlo Galan da un lato e quello di molti accademici dall´altro ci danno la misura di come l´agricoltura più sana e lungimirante sia stata deprivata di ogni fascino, di ogni sostegno, di ogni politica adeguata, di ogni competenza e attenzione politica. Certo che le colline e le montagne franano. Chi le coltivava con saggezza e sapienza non è stato aiutato a restare dov´era, nessuno ha riconosciuto il suo ruolo, nessuno ha remunerato adeguatamente i suoi prodotti. Tutti gli hanno detto, con le parole o con i fatti, che l´unica cosa sensata da fare era correre verso la pianura, dove i guadagni erano più rapidi, facili e sicuri, e se non erano guadagni che arrivavano da un lavoro agricolo meglio ancora: un po´ di cemento e via, con un´anima brand new. Well, not so much that "it rains, government thief." It is raining after decades of governments eager for success and immediate consensus, governments that have not built well, who did not trust who could advise and help to build economies certainly slower, but more just and more stable than at present. And while these economies collapsed we are so far from recognizing the value of agricultural work that we do not know even pronounce the name

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Politics and Territory: The territory of Powerlessness and subjection

of Robert Lamm, Il Secolo XIX, 2/3/2011

I have followed with much sadness triggered the debate in recent weeks by the position of Professor Roberto Mazza, a spokesman for "Stop the use of the land" on the mingling of technical and administrative offices in the politics of the territory of several municipalities of our province.
In summary, Mazza said something that is before the eyes of all and that is that many technical departments of municipalities of our province are not able to carry out an effective policy of defending the territory than the aggressive plans of private .
This implies a very severe trial against the policy which has its own strategic autonomy and that has not been able, despite ruling for decades, virtually without opposition, at least within the institutions, to create the conditions for the birth and affirmation of a "management" high profile public and professional culture, strong technical competence and autonomy.
You might have expected praise and support for the positions of Professor Mazza, instead, we have seen so much silly target of criticism as apodictic, all the cliches: "We are very good and we say it alone" or on that ' another, an "evergreen" the worst policy, "if you know something, go to the Prosecutor of the Republic".
The problem, in fact, it is mainly the judiciary, even if it was not uncommon, it is, and if you continue on this path, it will be; the real issues are, first, the inextricable mingling among administrators and officials, including political and technical structure of the Government, on the other hand, the total absence of planning a high autonomous choices and, protection of public goods, environmental , landscape, cultural and architectural, which are the true wealth of our province.
long time I abandoned the policy in which, however, I have always played a marginal role, perhaps because incapable of dealing with public officials who have ruled in recent years, standards of courage, competence and autonomy.
then I would just like to offer a small personal contribution to the debate of clarity.
If the whitewashed tombs that today they tear their clothes and ridiculous attacks to promote Mazza have the intellectual honesty to accept the challenge, I am willing to be listed in a public venue, in prose or in poetic form, perhaps in rhyme, all cases of technicians who are also political leaders and public administrators and public officials who are also engineers of the territory, served with wives, husbands, partners, friends and relatives.

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Giovanni Valentini
La Repubblica, 03/03/2011

It was not raining so for forty years, according to statistics from the national meteorological unperturbed, in the Marche flagellate weather. And before the storm water, snow and wind that rages from one end of the boot, there is a strong temptation to resort once again to the cynicism of an old popular proverb to say that for forty years we had a government so prone to appropriation misappropriation and use of land.
But really this is just the latest episode, in chronological order, of an endless story that unfortunately takes a long time and now has transformed our beloved peninsula in Malpaese more sinister and vulnerable in Europe. Let us hope that, sooner or later arrive at a reasonable ending.

There is no disaster or natural disaster that may in fact be relegated to the size biblical destiny, without calling into question the responsibility or at least the co-responsibility of man, the man of the government and the man in the street, the mighty and the ordinary citizen. Victims, wounded and missing, mudslides, landslides and flooding, damage and ruins are just the sad result of the conjunction between the fury of the elements and the inaction or neglect of human beings. Everything, except emergency event that is unforeseen and unpredictable, accident, accident of history.
therefore not surprising that much even the news that Indonesia in the post-earthquake reconstruction has proceeded faster than Eagle. Despite the rhetoric of triumphalism government someone might wonder if anything to the contrary.
There is always the hand of man, his speech, his absence or at least his complicity in the collapse of the territory which aggravates the effects and consequences of natural phenomena. That is, the excessive consumption of the soil, altering buoyancy widespread hydro-geological, reckless of the coasts, and anything else illegal. When the hills and mountains crumbled to the valley, often depends on the phenomenon of uncontrolled logging that cuts through the trees and destroy the "network" of underground roots. When the river overflows, flooding the countryside and claiming victims, the most common cause is the diversion of river beds or the originating artificial transformation of the banks. And so on, to ruin in destruction.
lacks a comprehensive policy of the territory, it lacks the prevention, are exempt from time to time amnesties or pardons: and then yes, the government is really "thief" because it deprives the community and future generations a heritage irreproducible. But it lacks even the ordinary maintenance, that which is first to the State, central agencies and local government. And though it is also a private citizen: the farmer, the owner, tenant or the individual blocks, each of us short in their habitat vital to promote what Salvatore Settis called "people's share" in the book entitled Landscape, Constitution, Cement, invoking a battle against environmental degradation, civil.
land policy means, first, government and territorial management. Care, control, planning, planning. But before, it means the local culture: that is, knowledge and respect. Awareness of a common good, of belonging and identity. And so, nature conservation, environment, landscape.
A mud material and a virtual mud now threatens to engulf Italy. The sludge produced by the weather, water and earth. And the sludge produced by the rampant immorality, hedonism and unbridled dall'affarismo. Both must be stopped, in ragione della responsabilità e della solidarietà.
La convivenza di una comunità nazionale si fonda necessariamente sull'etica civile. Questa riguarda l'ambiente in senso stretto e l'ambiente in senso lato, la società e la politica. Non c'è legge elettorale, consenso popolare o federalismo municipale che possa surrogare o sostituire un tale valore costitutivo. È proprio attraverso la devastazione del territorio che rischia di passare fatalmente la disgregazione del Paese.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fly With Expired Drivers License

Brain fart. Cap III

Meanwhile, in the countryside, Lucilla, a 'merry peasant of seven feet and twenty blessed she was cooking dinner for himself and his servant, a potato soup. All 'suddenly turned and said in a melodious voice:

"Damn ... is over rosemary ..." he turned to the cellar and said

"Merilìn, wines here and coglimene just nu ..." Then he turned quiet again to the stove to put in 'the ferret water to boil. (.. But what kind of people you know? Oo ... See, even here it took the WWF uu) (See what I thought they were friends of yours -.- people who put the ferret in potato soup I do not know) Less than ten seconds later came a scream from the basement appeared a strange inhuman and unequal be eyed, holding a sprig of rosemary.

"Was this the thing you wanted, you shitty womannn?" vomited, brandishing the rosemary like a scimitar. She smiled (revealing his conflicted relationship with the farrier, dentist 's age: had eleven teeth in the mouth, including five decayed, rotten three, two and a crooked rebuilt, the miracle of' time) and then said, sweet as a kilo of sugar (chemically bleached, no cane, that what little sweetening):

"Grazzzie Marilìnn, You always kind eh? Varda that the nn give you pocket money to buy the makeup ... "** (yes, dear Lucilla was multilingual) And he would hear those words became a bunny. He fell to his knees and began to plead:

"Noooo my sweet angel, nooo ... my makeup. Greasepaint er nun me touch you that impales the Indian Blackbird" (note the change of language from a Roman Inglese, Yess uh, everything on language courses Deagostini) Lucilla turned the spoon stirring the soup (which was stuck a piece of celery and the ferret, which is still perky, trying to escape his fate) and began to shout:

"nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu merlettin nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the nun that you can not use more than you do my lipstick! "Oibò thought Marilyn (Manson, for those who did not catch you ... Marilyn Manson adorooooooo !!!.) (oh jesus, the youth of today ...) ... . but he recovered quickly. And with renewed force holding the sprig of rosemary said:

"Your lipstick? I do not need your lipstick! I do my lipstick with (it is said with iglesia with, gnurant -.-") your blood! Haha! I kill you! " But while Marilyn approached Lucilla and tried to stab with rosemary, Lancelot brave (yes, well, I did not particularly committed with the names) it rained from the ceiling and stunned the poor wretches. Our rider, having cleverly avoided further dent Marilyn get up and staggered dramatically, asked the poor Lucilla where the base of his skill (and bitch ...) (persons for the horses so we call them "cranky" .. although asshole makes the best 'idea xD) the beast' had thrown. She slightly (I emphasize SLIGHTLY) confused (she had fallen on his head a man of 70kg full armor kit and the small grinder, then more than 150kg in the head .. oO ... great, I love you because you are able to understand the weight of a person in 's eye. ... ") was a revelation, fell to his knees and said

"A MIRAAAACOLO! San Gennaro six rained from the sky! No reels ... "she added looking better,

Equal cchiù na .... especially the knight or saint, but when pisi?" He said rubbing his back

"manneggia to you ... and I'm Marilyn .. peaks vulia sloth? straniri sti ... bah! O, "

continued, putting a hand over her mouth, embarrassed,

" Excuse my dialect very courteous in his regard, I was wondering why all the time trying to pair, however, knows ... we are in the 'gay town (please insert name) (Ah boh) ... "Lancelot looked around, then took off the 'helmet (which he had worn while flying to prevent it ruffled his flowing hair) and said

" My name is Sir Lancelot, at your service! "and bowed to her. Then he got up and tried to look over its huge breasts and continued

"I am very sorry to have brought so much turmoil in his home ... but the 'hour is late and I would like to rest. (L 'hour is late ... it was quarter to six. Tell that is an excuse for not working, lazy!) Can I ask if there is a nearby inn to rest so that the mie stanche membra? Domani al primo canto del gallo sarò qui per recarle ausilio, dolce e solitaria madamigella…” (Non aveva ancora notato Marilyn steso a faccia in giù sul pavimento) . Terminato il monologo si accorse che nella stanza era calato un silenzio di tomba: gli abitanti di quella casa, non abituati a parole del genere, avevano afferrato si e no due vocaboli. (Vedete, Lucilla si era fermata ai primi due numeri del corso DeAgostini "Impara l' italiano con Giovanni Muciaccia")

(A dirla tutta non erano abituati neanche tanto a parlare: di solito si comunicava a gesti o grugniti). Lanci si accorse di questo e tradusse istantaneamente il suo discorso:

“Scusate se v’ ho quasi demolished the house, eh. Mo so tired, you know where I can find a mica 'inn where he slept? Tomorrow t 'help to repair the ceiling and the floor. " Lucilla s' face lit up and said quickly:

"... No sir, you do not have to worry about ... than never allow a young man to go alone so .... Ch'avite as ditto? Ah ... Yes ... such a late hour .. I know your name is? "(I had said before but Lucilla was still counting the stars that revolved around the head). The young man knelt down (again ... * _ * have moved you've learned a word of 'English) and exclaimed

"Sir Lancelot, at your service." Still, stop. Let's take a 'look at what is happening in the brain of Lucilla. Our gallant knight, stoned by the blow, had not noticed that

a) The Valkyrie of the poor was the x-rays (for obvious reasons we can not say what he was thinking, you need to know that things were very, very dirty);

b) Marilyn was awakening, and had taken advantage of the moment to give herself to a lipstick ripassatina;

c) The Indian blackbird was communicating with gestures to the wretched to escape while it was on time;

d) The house mouse was rubbing a caciotta. (Ok there ' enter anything but a fourth option was there)

Yes ... our dear Lucilla, who was not really a holy woman, had already given a 'look at the tonnage of the rider and had decided that the taste ... End Freeze, can share the story. Lucilla settled quickly by the hair and said,

"Lancelot, yes, you're right .. I have here tonight, like it or not, tomorrow morning I call the parquet Umberto as I have partially destroyed the ceiling and the floor." ( We have realized -.-) Meanwhile, Marilyn had recovered and was set up. Lancelot had not opened his mouth, struck by the strange demonic figure in shorts burgundy breeches and red lipstick sin (sin red lipstick? Oo what a color is?) (oh well, better make red slut?) (But because you are volgave! O_O) (uu uu I did not want to say) that attach in a threatening from behind the woman. Lancelot stared insistently at least 10 min when the demonic figure, feeling uncomfortable, and took the stunned Lucilla's room .. Lancelot, when he awoke, sat comfortable on the bed trying to sleep and almost succeeded but when his eyes began to close he came at last to do with satanic Lucilla (Yes.. Like Marilyn, I know that Satanism attacks, type 's herpes Oo) and attempted to rape but Lancelot repeatedly managed to avoid its abuse by jumping on the furniture all night. In the morning, in fact, he woke up perched on a roof beam. Watching carefully, he noticed that under Lucilla was still there, asleep against the beam, which was gripping the broom with which he had tried all night of clubs with poor results (and less evil, 'he had caught only once grazed dislocating right ankle) and his satanic do was even more pronounced because he had not slept all night. (L 'image was more or less this: the dark circles came up to my knees (dark circles of two meters and twenty? Wow Oo) and the hair was a wire, not the typical woman of about 28 make-up .. ah .. you should know that if you Lucilla makeup x 56 years .. so well demonstrated, say, prefer soap and water).

"amoreeeeeeee ... I love you ... it was love at first sight my .. and if you go down the thunder ... I know I love you ... .. come down in the mouth on the cat My little mouse ..." she said.

"I'd rather die .. 'Thought Lancelot.

"Cotto jugged .. but never in the hands of the sort of crazed buffalo." Fortunately Lancelot's the doorbell rang and Lucilla had to give up its prey and go to open. Lancelot, when he heard the footsteps of the woman far enough, and went down from its beam in the dining room. There they found a man with a legendary bald head (the legendary Umberto, parquet of the countryside. Just to let you know, it was he himself who described himself as mythical as parquet, but the rest of the county thought that the 'only thing that was legendary in mind about him was, in fact, his legendary bald.) semisvenuto the ground and could not blame him as Lucilla in person was Medusa (Medusa was the one with snakes in his head). But Umberto had a hammer (he swiped the hammer to Thor .. Iron-man, Spider-man x-man .. and the one with wings on his head ... - 'six of clarity, you ...) and recovered in a flash but the poor guy passed out for 6 more times since it was always lucilla front, in the end she was taken to his room to avoid the death of the innocent poor wooden floor (which was not as innocent as it looked when he rubbed the silver). Lucilla in the blink of 'eye in the sixth and went back down to the dining room where Umberto was starting to fix the floor, but at the sight of Lancelot, who had swiped a bowl of soup with potatoes, spat reflected the soup spoon he had just put in your mouth in the face of poor parquet that severely burned her face and also partially bald (poor minka day ... it was not really ...)

"Oh my god sorry I'm sorry .." Lancelot shouted.

"EXCUSE A HORN!! DICK!! FIRST THING THAT I AM IN FRONT Viscidi and then I spit in his face what STRANGE COSO Stink !!!!! I'm leaving!! FUCK !!!!..." Umberto screamed.

He put in place his tools and went out slamming the door. Lucilla sent him to the devil and said that these 'affront would have paid him .. (no one had ever insulted his soup .. the only one who had done was her ex-husband and was now walled up alive in the oven and ... This imparts a rather special to dishes that were cooked to 'inside).

".. .. strung the guy," said Lancelot.

"Anyway I do not find it strange smelly thing ... and even if it was to me like a mess ... .. mmm ... gnamm buohhnohhgahh ... "(unfortunately he was beginning to have difficulty speaking because language had begun to fill with bubbles) and continued to eat quietly ... (He did not know her husband, but in any case he did not trust much of that chick ... and just wanted to leave as soon as possible from the house of stramboidi) ... and while they sipped the strange greenish broth, was looking for a way to escape. (and getting Gastric lavage should just come out of there. In fact, he corrected himself, perhaps he had better get denuclearization.)


Friday, January 28, 2011

Dragon Ball Doujinshis Yaoi

Configure exim4 to send mail through Gmail

Logcheck is an excellent tool to monitor the logs of Ubuntu makes it a summary by saving only the important lines, and we mail it to the address defined in its configuration.

Installing logcheck we can get it from synaptic (the package manager) for the configuration instead you can find a good guide here (the first page regarding the installation on Debian ; from the second page is processed the configuration that fits easily even in Ubuntu).

Yeah, but that has to do with logcheck exim4? Got to do, got to do, for the simple fact that installing logcheck , Ubuntu also installed, as a dependency, the package exim4 to manage email summary that will send you, and you may get, as it happened to me that there is enough that those messages are forwarded to your local address (as it does by default), but rather would like them to be delivered to your Gmail address , so 'can be inspected when you're in front of your PC.


The procedure is not very simple, but if you follow my instructions step by step, together we will reach our goal. Be always a

copia dei files che andrete ad editare, prima di modificarli e salvarli.

Pronti? Procediamo.

Fase 1

  • da terminale, digitate sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
  • si aprirà un wizard, che vi guiderà passo passo nella configurazione di exim4; in questa guida eviterò di citare le pagine (come la prima che vi appare) nelle quali dovete solo dare un OK per andare avanti, tanto non si può fare altro e quindi non potete sbagliarvi
  • alla prima scelta che si presenta, scegliamo posta inviata tramite uno «smarthost»; ricevuta via SMTP o fetchmail
  • nella the next page you will be asked the domain name of the local machine, or that part of the name following the @ in any local address (example: if your local address is foo @ mycomputer the domain name is mycomputer ). To be clear, your local address is the one that appears behind the command prompt when you open a terminal, my (Nirvanalx) you can see in the image below. However, the wizard should let you find ready, so just give Enter

  • the next question concerns the IP addresses on which to wait for SMTP connections entry: here you have to answer
  • the next page (Other destinations for which mail is accepted) you can leave it blank and press Enter
  • same thing to the next field (systems for which do the 'relay') leave the field blank and press Enter
  • you will be asked immediately after the IP address or hostname for the 'smarthost' Out: Here you must enter 587
  • to the next question (Omit the local mail name from outgoing messages?) say NO
  • after a couple of items, you will be asked whether to keep minimizing the number of DNS requests (dial-on-demand), here you have to respond to the request for NO
  • mode of delivery for local mail choose mbox format in / var / mail /
  • then asks if split configuration into small files, say NO
  • the last request (addressed mail for root and postmaster) you can leave it blank and press Enter
  • at this point the wizard will finish and then restarts the service automatically mail (MTA)

Well, it's over? Would you like to ... now we can move to Step 2

  • sempre da terminale con permessi di root, editate il file /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template digitando

           gksu gedit /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template &

  • trovate la riga ".ifdef DCconfig_smarthost DCconfig_satellite" , e in quella sezione (prima della riga ".endif" ) aggiungete le seguenti righe

   driver = manualroute
domains =! + Local_domains
transport = gmail_smtp
route_list * =

if the file being edited found that any other smarthost
contains the line "domains =! + local_domains"
must delete or comment out (with # beginning of the line) all the rows that
concern, as in the following

  • find the line "begin authenticators" , and add in the following lines under
driver = plaintext
; public_name = LOGIN
client_send =: \u0026lt;IP gmail>: \u0026lt;password>

replacing fields "\u0026lt;recipient gmail>" and "\u0026lt;password>" with your data
  • look if there are other authenticators that contain the same line "public_name = LOGIN" , if any, delete them or comment
  • seeking comment
"# # # transport/30_exim4-config_remote_smtp_smarthost"

below and add in that section

driver = smtp
port = 587
hosts_require_auth = $ host_address
hosts_require_tls = $ host_address
  • the bottom of the file, there is a section that begins with this line

and ends after 31 rows with a . "endif" : Well, this whole section should be deleted or commented
(note that those lines there
are two games from the first to comment) as you can see in the next screenshot

  • Save and close the file

And now we are ready to proceed to the next phase (worry, we're almost done):

Step 3
  • terminal, run sudo update-exim4 . conf
  • and then run sudo / etc/init.d/exim4 restart

If you see error messages, it means that everything is ok now your ready to exim4 send mail via G mail .
To test the operation quickly, shipped an email from the command line and then check in your Gmail box if you receive:

echo "Hello, how are you?"
as the recipient of messages.
important note, remember that Gmail allows you to send up to 100 messages per day for each account using SMTP, so be careful not to overdo it!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Backpack Party Favors

Peti brain. Chapter II

While Lancelot was flying towards new horizons, in a village on the edge of the forest (a bit 'like the Smurfs) was organizing a birthday party (any reference to events or characters from other stories like the lord of the rings is purely coincidental, eh ... if you say something you send Marilyn Manson at home and see who is right then. [noooooooooooooo (required) oooooooooooooooooooooo (moved)

ooooooo !!!!!!!! ...]

Wasp ... send Bill Kaulitz ... ehehehehe [evil laugh ... tokio hotel muaaaaaa cracked ... (I write) aaaaaaaaaaaaa!] or send to the monk who does not wash for a lifetime (yes, ok, but nn is a story about these two shady characters? Then we eat them from the dragon makes you six happy ok?) ... I think is more frightening ... or crap? (I decide when someone will accuse me. Levati mo) Marilyn Manson Viva! Yeah! I Do not Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me!) Yeahhhh!! Yes, you see. Shoo ... ah finally.

(go to the footnotes of page ... yes, that's right, there are also notes at bottom of page! We are serious!)

Okay, I was saying ... he was planning this birthday party, but it was not a party any, was the feast of the king's daughter! It was the sixteenth birthday girl, so maybe a move would be to marry a scion that otherwise would remain an old maid to do her knitting. The mayor's daughter named Wendy-name shit, you know. But it is a princess, t expect? A fancy name as Claudia Maria Lucia Nicola Guglielma Third? -

(I still refer to the footnotes of page .. you always want to figure this one out!)

was a haunting beauty, and so the father did not want to marry her in the first come, but only to those who would prove able to overcome difficult trials. And here you wonder why the fathers are never their dicks. X should force poor people to break the love of his daughters ... Mah .. (Just a moment. The beauty matters, but also your wallet ... Ok end of the speech by social climber)

(same address above)

For that reason he had been locked in his room for days and days trying to concoct something ... But it had not occurred to nothing (ahah. Father .. with a little imagination). He could not do spells routine, because the witch of the country was in a spa treatment to make a wrinkle, and it was too expensive to get close to that of the country (Father stingy). The fairies and the elves were busy for their cabbages. Toads do not to kiss n 'were, as were all cooked in brine because it wanted the traditional dish of the country, and all the princes of the realm were engaged in their favorite activities (activities that do not currently included traditional hunting princess )

who was watching the world hunting the dragon, who was the hairdresser to get to the permanent, who was the blacksmith to get a tooth ... Who was now dispersed into the forest to give vent to their obsession for hunting . You may ask: why then did not like all fathers of fairy tales and not he locked his daughter in a cursed castle with a dragon guarding the drawbridge? Of course we had tried. But let's say it was not happy memories for the poor king. In summary, ten minutes after making her locked up, had been plunged into the house of those helpline, social services and Licia Colo, who was in search of the Komodo dragons and had a little 'lost. All 'initiative was taken to the dragon Piero Angela and had planned to make him fall on the cavern (conflict of' interests even if the fields are not exactly the same, but anything goes), but then she realized that the 'be face had neither the bulbous nose and even the 'air of a lively scientific popularizer, despite the ripe old age, and was covered in scales. And then he had not even seen trace of his son Alberto. It still had the opportunity to denounce the poor to the WWF, which had launched a petition against the exploitation of lizards flamethrower. So the father found himself back to square one with an extra fine to be paid, the types of wwf chained to the drawbridge, a pair of permanent inspectors in the castle which monitors other attempts to jail the young girl, and a dragon that around the house, all for the joy of his daughter to marry and to start churning out babies much preferred listening to music and gossiping with friends.

So what can we do? The father was not alone via d 'output.

also prevailed at that time the custom to host the tallest tower in the castle (or moldy in the basement, or just outside the perimeter of the castle, according to availability) men of extraordinary knowledge holders. In short, the brains of the 'old type Merlin, Pico della Mirandola ... People of this paper. Well, even the good father, not wanting to disgrace, he had adopted one. His name was Lerch, and was his trusted advisor, an engineering genius that just was not the cube, but was however affected by the syndrome of genius ... and it is not cared about his personal relationships, her personal hygiene and do not cured even people in general considered as the rest of humanity a mass of goats. There is also to say that was not Mr. Universe and smelled much, so we say that the rest of mankind, which had a much more pleasant smell of him and of course (with rare exceptions) was more humble, he was grateful for his choice. But not too much on dilunghiamoci Lerch. The King said, he sent Lerch in his rooms (bad mistake, sire), and after having connected the gas mask, let him:

"My lord, I already know everything, and I took the liberty to work out a solution to your problem giustappunto ... What I am going to explain ... "said the adviser, and his breath became instantly dried geraniums on the tower from 'other part of the castle. This of course after the mid-dry trees in the garden. Note the fact that the windows were closed. The King saw it, and to avert an ecological disaster, hastened to say:

"My credit counselor, I think all this has fatigued. Now I was going to rest. What would you say to write what your brain has developed immensely during this period of time so that I can read it when I wake up (of course ended in a suit fallout, I think) and make a decision about what to do? "NO!", Then shrieked, as Lerch had mentioned that to open his mouth. "Not a word! Oil elbow! So I said, and so will ... "And he hastened to push out the shady characters and open the windows to change the 'air, making it dry half of the trees survived, making the seizures come to the gardener who was trying to understand what had happened 50% of the trees of the garden.

** Footnotes page. This story was written with the help of my sister .... It is not a joke, the 'Marilyn Manson is passionate about her. Thanks sister for everything you do for me. With the public, thanks. * s' bows * But enough with the gushing. Give back the eyeliner that I've screwed up.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Serienummer Nero 6.6.15

Peti brain. Wasp starts. Ordinary

We welcome as a newcomer to Wasp, the third of the trio of three bloggers. I had not thought before, but the trio means that there are three people. This is the new blogger. Treat it well or you sdrumo teeth on the sidewalk and piss on us. The teeth, not the sidewalk, I'm not rude.

Jack away.

Warning: Before you read the following script, you just tell the users that are about to read the following, that it is pure, simple and innocent bullshit. Good Reading! (Also if there are users of the following script, of course.)

Chapter I

This story begins on a Tuesday evening any, of any one week, one month of any 'last year. (Hehehe ... who do.)

was summer. The south wind blowing, visibility was excellent and the sea calm. The sky looked like a cloth of black velvet sprinkled with golden light, and a dense wood like that of the fairies came to 'ear and having a wisp of smoke el' merry crackling of a fire.

(... .. Let us approach to find out who the good genius who has decided to start a fire deep in the forest, regardless of the brochure of the fire and the warnings of the head of civil protection.)

We also among the leaves, dodging low branches, insects and fairies ... and we take behind a handsome young man sitting next to a potential arson, in the company of his faithful companions: a chicken and a horse. Mimetizziamoci But now with the 'environment and see some of us his own business. And if there is time, we do a quick overview of the area.

"It 's a good night for hunting,"

murmured to herself, jumping around from time to time of furtive glances, as if he feared the 'first strike of a Bengal tiger (but the Bengal tiger in this story for now is not there, then he could feel comfortable). Then to 'suddenly opened the bag that carried tied at the waist and Lancelot (as he called the young man) pulled out one of those things that always roast the boy scouts in American films (the director tells me that it's the marshmallows marshmallows ... but not are soft candy? roast candy? Bleeeeee ....), oh well anyway, I speared on a stick and came to the fire.

"It 's a good evening for hunting, Slayer, "he said in a low voice the bird crouched at his side. The chicken moves a bit 'the ridge and turned from' the other side.

"Shit .. let me sleep in peace ... You broke up yesterday is what co .." thought the chicken.

yum. What kind interesting. -_-Let's go for a ride from 'the other side of the forest, go ...

From' other side of the forest there 'was an old woman who wanted to learn to fly and then dabbled with inventions like Leonardo da Vinci, but without much success as evidenced by the numerous fractures to his coccyx (What is this? Oo ?)(-__- sacrum? makes it better?). And perched on the branch of a pear tree (because its a pear tree?) there was a blackbird, accompanied by his trusty sniffer rat pampers wipes, it was believed a field of strawberries (I'm the strawberry head ... you said ... no ...) on ... a cliff there was a flower singing "goodnight .. brbrrbrbrbrbr floret" and well ... in short, a place nice and normal. Let's see if Lancy has evolved in some way ....

No. He's always close to the damn stuff on the hunt to repeat fire.

Oh! Is rising ... and it's going towards the mare, who is sleeping in the meantime blessed. A moment of tenderness between the rider and his horse! Us approach! The mare then sleeping. And even a little Russian '. Lancelot goes to break even with her history of hunting, that the 'animal pissed and kicks, making him fly like rocket team of Pokemon.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mall Rosevile Long Island

As the Chinese

Today I decided to discuss a topic a little technical, but that can make us understand why Italy is the 40th place for press freedom, after Chile and South Korea . you like to do a little experiment together?
Well, go to Google Translator
place as a first language to Italian, as the second one you want, then try to write
Pippo did not win ;
elections. "

Change the second language if you want, and put us in place of Goofy and any other name.

All regular, no? Now for the second phase of the experiment: instead of Goofy, write to Berlusconi.

Any further comment is superfluous.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Josh Hutcherson In His Blue Boxer Briefs

Good intentions.

causes a deep sense of discomfort begin a new year without a good purpose. Yet 2011 has started and I sat brooding on why and for no good intention as he peeped out of my thoughts, my feelings.

long as often happens to me, a dream has shed light, I would say clarity around this thing: the dream girl for me, with my high school friends, has caused a boost, a spark, and that is that the heart is made again and pissed that my good intentions for this year, he carried out his epiphany: pay more attention to interpersonal relationships, to people who are close to my heart. There

to assure that this family is the one who nicknamed 'The Hound' does not sound so obvious, so obvious as it seems.

So this new year will be dedicated to friendship, to preserve this concept more and more endangered: because it is right, because it is rewarding because it makes us happy and as many times as love, ... because he deserves it!

Happy New Year to all: D

Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Connect A Walkie Talkie To A Computer

samba server and symbolic links missing in Virtualbox

One day I wake up 10:10 am on Ubuntu and a new problem:
accessing a shared folder with samba server, you no longer receive the symbolic links (or symlinks) .

Looking for a little 'around I learned that the problem has been found on Debian and Ubuntu server, with client
Leopard and Snow Leopard, and that p resumibilmente the problem will also cover other Linux distributions.

worry, the solution is simple, requires a small configuration change to the samba server:

Edit smb.conf, such as typing from a terminal

gksu gedit / etc / samba / smb.conf

In that section (or "[global]") add these lines, or confirm that it values:

  • follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes unix extensions = no
  • Salvate smb.conf
Riavviate il server samba, digitando da terminale            sudo service smbd restart

Fatto. Come per incanto, i link simbolici riappariranno nelle vostre cartelle condivise.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Johnson Brothers Stone Trent England

administration & raving about it.

I lost a card.
Ok, it can happen to anyone, this is usually normale.Di a card is lost for three good reasons:
1) does not love you more and leaves;
2) you do not love her more and she realize, going away;
3) was biodegradable and have eaten lunch with barbeque sauce believing a cracker As he was leaving because of one of the reasons listed above.
's really strange how a simple card can be especially important when the
was never used. I mean, you've got in your wallet quite quiet, sleepy, and six for the case around, when you come across a parking lot. You need the card to enter, but not that. Open your wallet, she looks at you expectantly to lose her virginity magnetic but nothing, it's up to you and you take one at random from the 236 that normally keep just in case.
This parking is taking place quite by chance on a neighborhood party, the stalls and stands. Here, these stands are exactly 234. All clubs, local bingo halls where you came, or you just heard from someone who once said that the case for perhaps a cousin of his friend had probably heard the name of the place by a band of friends passing drunken German so perhaps it was not even that name, have a booth. And you need the card for each. But you do not need that card.
Then, after two booze (which would be 36 hours later), quite nice when you're in the supermarket, they ask that plastic rectangle that you have never used. And it is strange that I ask, because then there is still the supermarket cashier who remembers the prices by heart, and the electronic bar code reader is considered child eldest son of the devil and godzilla, born of blood in a full moon on June 6 a year if it ends with the number 6.
Do not have one. Looking in every corner of the portfolio, you blitz between the bats, replace the sacred idol with a bag of sand and come chased by a giant stone ball, sweating out and nothing. In the portfolio there.
Just a note: "I ran away with the tax code. Goodbye."
You get the card to provide a chance, otherwise you have it and Straus used so much that needs to be done before scanning the cast with plaster, and come out a bit 'sad why do not you expect it. And you also had to pay for the plaster cast.
Here comes the second part of the adventure: recover or replace the said document. How to find the office engaged in this business? Very simple: find a stick about two feet, you go to the center of the largest square in the country or city you live in, mount your identity card on top of the wood, set everything in the hole of a manhole and aspects noon . Then a ray of sunlight will be reflected on the card number and give you a pensioner sitting near the fountain. Ask him who knows.
reach the place you realize that there are categories of people who have absolutely no desire to see usually included in a line of 47 people: old men and children. The first pinch with moves worthy of a seventh dan kung fu cheeks of seconds, with a capacity of opera ever imagine complain loop. And in stereo. Now start hearing the sentences, they will feel resentful and always
- Who is the last? -
- you, ma'am .-
- I'm in a long? -
- But if the employee is she? -
- Ah, yeah! -
're all waiting in a long corridor, three time zones separating your seat from the door where you enter. In that office work only in the morning, close their doors at eleven-thirty, eleven twenty-five office opening. It takes one person every two weeks. After the last four years is your turn. You have the number 9. Meanwhile, some old women were taken away by Egyptologists, many children have married and had children, you have seen them grow fond of you made it a bit, 'until you realize that children are married now other old people with moves worthy of a seventh dan kung fu pinching her cheeks to children with lyrical ability unimagined complain loop. And in stereo. And the same phrases are repeated.
welcomes you behind a white door look like a Gandalf the White, but no beard, only with a mustache and hair ... Well, the hair ... only with a mustache. It is in charge of your problem.
The room is outside of time, playing in two Ichtyosaura an aquarium and feel a vague smell of fern. Discover the fault so that the waiting time is not of those who enter, but their environment, because there have been five minutes, but leaving the generations go forward in the corridor were at least thirty. Five minutes to say
- I have lost my card .-
- got the wrong office, must go to another door. -
After years of waiting have developed a patience that makes you think of the Dalai Lama as a warmonger, so do not give us so much weight when you go get some 'food from the wild game in plants on the desk clerk, to address another row probably composed of human evolution for millennia.
With one hand on his shoulder hangs before you leave:
- Aspects .-
- What? -
- needs to go beyond the card .-

And then they ask me because I drink.