Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sea-doo Challenger 180

"I get along with Jack" returns. "If only I had asked Jack as lifting myself from this mess, all this would not have happened "(Bill Clinton)

Good morning people and nations disparate and desperate for help! I'll be back again with the subheading of "Ask Jack", but not to help ... In fact I do these things like crazy to enjoy the your problems and solve them with a snap of the fingers on my piedi.Ragionando but unlikely inventions and great demand by setting aside a drawer in a Comesichiama (tm), I have come to realize that the final formula of cat food in mouse-flavored tartar sauce (it's good, try it, too) and had received an email problem that exposes a lot of hype about these tempi.Si beetles or cockroaches or bacherozzi call it what you voglia.Ora, counting the fact that they are the least interested in the cockroaches in your house, because they are magnanimous (I just mogul, that's right) I decided to share with you my personal and accurate method to eliminate or avoid 'sti disgusting.
A moment of suspense, I'll get a beer. Here I am
nuovo.Vi miss me? You I do not.
So, we talked about tenants scomodi.Intanto you really need to see if the house infested with these little insects and zampettanti filthy, and there are several simple ways to find out right away:
1) You find that the furniture in the bedroom are arranged differently when you wake up? are cockroaches;
2) Hear the sound of tiny little steps when you turn on the light night? are cockroaches;
3) The sudden change of your iPod playlist? are cockroaches;
4) Feel singing "Let It Be" by the Beatles in the bathroom and you are alone in the house? are cockroaches;
5) will disappear suddenly the TV from the living room? are thieves, call the police.
Some of you use the usual remedies from the supermarket or companies that specialize in pest control, but unfortunately you still find junk when the company seems to have been debellata.A In fact, little use methods such as powders, and pap trappole.Vi remember that cockroaches are very intelligent, although they can live 9 days without testa.D 'course are the creatures that survive a nuclear war and deadly radiation for man and every other form of life on earth.
So get ready, because it takes very different methods: one must act by cunning and with a bit of psychology.
first move:
dress well, ask a friend / or dinner, knowing that you are not alone, and completely ignored those critters if you have to ruin the serata.Se you look in your eyes, turn your head and look from a 'other parte.Non talk to them, are very sensitive about this and will be afraid of you done something male.La their self-esteem will be harder prova.Questo is the first step.
The second step is to totally destroy the facilities for insects and make them understand that you are a bad coinquilini.Cominciate to occupy the bathroom more than usual, ending each time hot water and turning off the heater when you are done (this just hate him .) Forget the washing and cleaning in shifts jump casa.Musica loud and sing louder and more dissonant, jarring, stonate.Riempite cartons also Negramaro songs, basing this on their successo.Anzi , so let those.
third and final step, also known as "the sadistic blow." Find out where they hide, what is their operativa.Probabilmente base will be in a bathroom or closet, be sure to find them a place umido.Fate leaving a bouquet of flowers, just to deceive the insettazzi have a chance of armistice. When you come out with a smile and take the emotion present, under the flowers will ... Ta-dah! The bill Enel and water with their calculations made in ink by you in a post-it! Then a message Page "of rental we'll talk later. "In more than 10 minutes you will hear screaming from downstairs: the cockroaches have moved massa.Et voila, without a fight you have got rid of bacherozzi and you can wash the dishes and turn the water heater.
not that hard, right? Hoping
to be a help, now I am going to prepare lunch for blatte.Sono go away but we were on good terms and I promised that I would have invited this Sunday at home and I cooked myself, because last week I was invited to the restaurant . I feel the cat food to the mouse in tartar sauce, let's see if it success.Given sure I will not say what if at the end of lunch: are the picky ones ...
Well, see you soon! Jack


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