Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Get Hired At Burger King

Jailbreak and Unlock.

Today I want to talk about the Jailbreak and dell'Unlock, two terms are often confused or not included in full. The jailbreak procedure is
that allows us to install third party applications that Apple prevents us from installing. The store where these applications are contained is called Cydia. Usually complete a jailbreak, Cydia is automatically installed.
seems absurd, but we, the owners of the device, we have very low system privileges. Usually with your computer, you decide to give administrator privileges to users. But with the jailbreak (English, escape), we can fully exploit the enormous potential that all iPhone, iPad, or the iPod Touch we offer.
E 'proved that this procedure is carried out by a very small percentage of people (something like 4%). The remaining percentage Device which has its own "original", in the vast majority of cases, does not know this procedure. Are few people who decide not to jailbreak, while being aware of the procedure, perhaps for fear that the guarantee is invalidated. Oh yes ... Because with this procedure if such breaks the screen, and bring the device to Apple as it is the warranty is voided. In reality, to overcome this problem, just connect your device to iTunes, do a restore, and you're done, the device will be original and immaculate.

unlock the other hand, is a procedure that applies only to the iPhone. This procedure is for those users who have purchased the device abroad, for which there is barring foreign SIM card. For example, if I go on a trip to the USA and the iPhone port in Italy I can not put a Sim card Tim, Vodafone or Three just because the devices are Factory Locked (or blocks of buildings). With the unlock procedure but we can buy the iPhone in the U.S. (saving money, and even a little ..) and insert an Italian SIM card, thus being able to make calls and send SMS. In Italy of course, the devices are Factory Unlocked (released or factory) as well as in other European countries (France, for example).

Hope this clear because I know how hard it is to make its voice heard in the great blog (che essendo di grandi dimensioni faticano ad ascoltare tutti) ricordo che il mio blog è a disposizione di qualsiasi richiesta di aiuto per questo od altri argomenti. Scrivetemi nei commenti, sarò felice di rispondervi.


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