Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Windows Blind Activacion

Clinical depression and whiskey in the sclera. Number 6. One day on Badoo

arrived at the condominium where he lived, Jack the evening, the sun was just setting. Melrahsher followed me. The lights coming from the road blocks and made me feel at home, a house that was never mine. They were the feelings of my host. We stopped briefly at the door, I had to try the keys in his pocket.
In a split second the doors were opened a window on the ground floor, one of Mrs. Foster. He remained a little in shock. I do not think he expected to see me, especially in the company of a blonde dressed in black, with a long skirt and a long-sleeved shirt with an interesting neckline.
soon became red, almost gave off steam:
- Mr Pendra! Missing from much tempo, stavo per mettere un annuncio per affittare di nuovo il suo appartamento! Lei è in ritardo con l'affitto, le hanno staccato luce, acqua e gas! Con che coraggio si ripresenta qui? -
Mi voltai e guardai un attimo la mia compagna di viaggio:
- Pensaci tu, per favore. - Dissi laconicamente.
Melrahsher annuì e fissò per qualche secondo la vecchia, che subito chiuse gli occhi e piano si accasciò sul davanzale, ronfante.
Infilai la chiave nella serratura del portone ed entrammo. L'ascensore era stato riparato, e lo indicai a Mel. Una parola risuonò nel mio cervello, ma veniva da lei, che non aveva tanta voglia di parlare: deficiente. Sapeva che avevo bisogno di contatto, and the elevator was a dangerous place closed to the instinct.
We had six floors of stairs, and once told me, 'Stop looking at me ass!', Though he knew that I could not do without.
We went in the hole where the boy lived and noted with amusement that the apartment was more dirty than expected.
- The usual male ...-
- Do not start. Wash your a bit ', you have work to do. -
- Oh really? And what we hear ...-
- Come on, stop it with that tone, you do not want to give orders. After doing what you ask, we will again summon Hecate, okay? -
He made a beautiful smile, one that made me fall in love with her. I threw down an empty bottle of whiskey and vodka, a carton of pizza and sat on the couch with Jack before Melrahsher to sit on my lap and speak
- While I clean a bit 'here, you have to call again Ishmael I need a job. Then find Simon, the resale of liquor, and remove from his mind what happened in those two days. The same thing you do with Joseph and the old one below. Invent something you like to be planted as a souvenir. After you come back here, call Hecate and think of me .-
- Are you going to think often in languages \u200b\u200bI do not know? Dumb! -
- If I thought in a language you know, I spoil the effect sorpresa. -
- Uff! Noioso! -
- Dai piccola, abbiamo molto da fare. Intanto chiama Ismaele.-
Con un finto broncio si alzò lentamente e quando fu in piedi chiuse gli occhi, muovendo le labbra come se stesse parlando tra se e se. Una nebbiolina scura si formò davanti a noi, e apparve la sagoma dell'uomo che mi aveva contattato al locale notturno.
- Ti ascolto, padrona. - Disse inchinandosi.
Quando cominciò a rialzarsi, il mio pugno lo colpì in pieno volto rompendogli il naso che subito guarì, non senza provocargli il dolore desiderato. La ragazza strabuzzò gli occhi dallo stupore e urlò: - MA SEI DIVENTATO PIù IDIOTA DEL SOLITO?-
- I was distracted last time .-
- If you had not distracted, I would not have found before them! -
- my mistake, sorry. - But I enjoyed as a hedgehog. O-oh, Jack expression apparently does not come off easily from my personality, you have to keep still in the dark, or is likely to affect things.
Ishmael looked at me grimly and waited for orders without saying anything. I took a piece of pizza box and wrote a few words with a pen found on the ground. Ask him:
- These words you say to Simon shortly after ten in the morning, before it gets Jack. And see tomorrow morning to pay my bills, I want it all right for his awakening .-
- I do not take orders from you. -
was loading another blow, when the blonde stopped me his arm
- Only follow what I say. Ishmael, please, could you do this for me? -
I felt the anger rising from the stomach when he looked at the sleek look that only she could do. Ishmael nodded and disappeared.
- Gelooooooosoooooo! -
I looked annoyed, as the laughter of Melrahsher soundtrack.
- Come, go, it's late. - I said with a grunt.
opened the door and I heard his footsteps on the stairs. Took off my jacket and threw it together with other waste, so I cleaned as best as not to understand that so much had changed and I waited.
few minutes passed, and he returned Melrahsher:
- All right, now you .-
- Okay, every promise is a promise. Get your own candle and turn it on. -
She did as I asked and handed me the candle. Seized with the decision and I burned for a few seconds left palm. The same thing she said, with me blowing the flame. The floor was dissolved, a mixture of lava and boiled meat in the middle of a red and black hole, with a maddening slowness climbed on the edge of a step in a muddy black dog with amber eyes. Mel jumped in, tail wagging like crazy, regardless of its size and almost letting it fall. The cries of happiness in having found an old friend made me smile, my beloved was happy. After at least five minutes of greeting the dog saw me, looking into my eyes and growled again give affectionate taps nose to her mistress.
- You, too, the six missing, Ba'al .-
- Yeah, right ... Come on, put it in the kennel and listen .-
Melrahsher sat on the ground, the floor had been reconstructed. Hecate crouched beside her, always with the menacing look at me.
- Now I have to again holed up in this body. This time I will not be tied, I need to go into action whenever I want, and in some places can only enter Jack .-
- Intendi dire che incontrerai il Boss?-
- Si, ha lui Larish.-
- Io cosa devo fare?-
- Modificherò io i ricordi di Jack, tu devi solo tramortirmi.-
- Come?-
- Fai tu, come ti viene. Starò a guardare da dentro. Piuttosto... Ismaele chi è? -
- L'ho incontrato per caso, non aveva un corpo e gliene ho dato uno. Vagava vicino alla nostra porta e ha deciso di servirmi per gratitudine.-
Scoppiammo a ridere. Ecate ululò.
Mi concentrai, chiudendomi in me stesso. Sentii un fruscio, e fu buio.
Era l'alba, non pioveva da mesi e la terra si tramutava in un pulviscolo fastidioso, misto a cenere e puzzo di carne burned. In two we walked the main street of the village in flames, silence is deafening at the same time. A man burned alive and dragged screaming tombstone breaking the silence, breaking nails and damaging the skin of the hands to seek help did not come. Larish took off from my back, with a groan of pleasure and pain, while still asleep. Dripped blood not mine, and thanked weakly and satisfied when I bite into the meat of this human wreck. He suffered, it is true, and put an end to his agony.
- You've become good syrup, Ba'al -
- I'm tired, Melrahsher. -
- You are old. -
twisted his lips in a mock grimace of annoyance, and rinfoderai again my sword screaming in pain, this time feeling the searing heat of its metal inside my bones. To the east, the sun was rising quickly behind us, and we arrived at the end of the village. Two paths lay before us, when a strange noise caught our attention: it was a sort of cry, sharp and sad. To our right a pile of waste and weeds seemed to be the source of that complaint. We were just two of us, no one followed us and no one was left, we had no idea what or who it might be.
- I hear whining, but it's not your peas! -
- and finish it, Mel! -
I approached, his hand scostai wastes, and appeared before me the face of a puppy black, amber eyes, the expression that sums up a mixture of melancholy, sadness and compassion. In an instant, changed its character, barked, growled and bit my forearm, while continuing to growl I was attacked when he lifted smugly. Melrahsher laughed, took it in his hands and soon the animal was detached from my skin, perhaps because not enough flavor. My friend laughed, took him in the chest and happy said:
- This we hold is beautiful! Did he stood up and realized that you are a great puppy! I'll call Hecate, happy? -
- All right, we will keep you ... -
- Look, I was not asking permission. -
The puppy barked and wagged its tail happily with her, just me growling. Well, go figure the females.
Headaches and dream of fucking. Sure I drank again as the usual shit that is ...
Fuck ... So who cares. Fired four months ago, only a few coins and I am single, very good.
I left to run a bit 'my thoughts, and I finally decided to get up, I had enough of the contaminated bed with my morning depression. I took a step and came straight to the bathroom. I opened the tap of the sink and rinsed my face. The mirror told me with a picture a night of revelry. I took off my underwear, pajamas, and I slipped in the shower, after you brush your teeth. A bit 'of water Cold made me wake up even more with an obnoxious jerk. It was late, but I had so much shit to do.
I went back in front of the mirror, standing in front of the shower and noticed that my right shoulder was a bit 'skinning. Small specks appeared dark ocher in the pink ... I tried to touch them, were hard and rough, but not hurt. What the hell, even my body let go sooner or later I would go to a doctor. I tore the cabinet drawer and found something to put before you leave. I had almost finished a drink, and Simon certainly would make me more credit for some time as he did. I opened the fridge to see if maybe something was still edible, fungi and found that the first were not there, and I assumed it was the development of mold, while the eggs that I would soon be hatched. I did not want the chicken, and threw the empty bucket ... Perhaps I had emptied the night drunk, I remember running over. Grabbed the bottle of whiskey and took a sip of surviving settlement. Over. Destination bucket, went to hell along with polliuova. I went downstairs, the elevator would make me be sick. The world was going really bad, not even Ms. Foster is worthy to break the balls. I walked slowly toward the only place where I could stay ... Ten minutes after I opened the door of the shop of Simon, hating do not know why the bell rang as I entered. Ciccio was behind the counter, and almost was shocked to see me.
- Hello Jack, how are you? -
- shit. What's New? -
- Tonight I have entered the vandals here. They broke a few bottles, drunk and smashed some other 'stuff in the back ... I have contacted the police, but I do not think anything significant will happen ...-
- Look, the human tank, can I borrow a bottle? -
- Jack, I know you're in trouble, but the months go on credit. I can only give if you do me a favor. -
- blackmail fucking. Come on, shoot .-
- This morning a guy came and asked me if I did home deliveries. If I deliver a case of wine at this address without opening no bottle, then I can give you one of rum .-
- Two and a deal .-
- send me to ruin you. The ddress is written here. It is not far .-
rang the doorbell as I took the box from the back of grape juice and alcohol. I put it in my shoulder and went out. Simon was at the counter wrap a bottle of Cutty Sark, which made me watering ... The customer looked like a nerd older: gray hair, glasses and crooked teeth it looks like a chessboard after an accident at a level of tetris.
I looked at him wrong, I put a cigarette in his mouth and seemed to feel the feeling of deja-vu when he greeted the customer named Joseph Simon. I went out and I set out to address fellow alcoholic. I lit a cigarette.
Fortunately it was very close to the station where I lived and where robotically passed hundreds of people every hour. I lost count ...
A skyscraper. Well. I should have taken the elevator and go on the roof. Making the meeting hall was bad ... Dick loser.
The building was a mammoth single block, nearly cubic and gray pigeon crap, only suited to a sect that professed love for the bunkers of World War II or for fallout shelters, everything depended on religious beliefs. On the front of a revolving door in dark glass made him look like a giant pencil sharpener. I could not understand what kind of signs were carved over the entrance, but scutore must have had a bad attack of hemorrhoids in them, I could not even understand the language in which they were made. I went in, and just over the threshold, he felt a quick sharp pain in my stomach. Ruttai with the mouth closed, the hot breath that smelled of earth and salt. It must have been the whiskey for sure, oh, well ...
greeted the doorman, sleepy and fat to hem the chair on which he was with the flab. Red eyes from the monitor of safety, crumbs of something like donuts on the nose and mustache (engulfment furious, I supposed), and erotic Clips on portable television. Never noticed a crossword puzzle or a book that dealt with the sex in these situations.
He looked up at me:
- I help you? -
-No .-
I went directly to the elevator, thinking it was an earthquake after the race. It was just the severity that was raging on the floor of the guardian using the mole as an outlet for all its frustrations:
- Stop! Where you going? -
- Now me of you. What little education .-
He pulled out a gun in his hands oily struggled to understand where he was watching. Better not risk it, do the good.
- Hands up! Lay the box gently on the ground and face the wall! -
I put down the wine. I raised my arms and I leaned calmly to the marble wall. Pink marble. Palazzo gay.
- Here we go ... Attentive to the stench of armpits .-
- Do not fuck with me! -
He approached me and searched.
- Watch out for the cobra. -. Zippo, cigarettes, wallet and necklace.
- Shut the sewer! What are you doing here? -
- I have to meet a person. -
- And who, we hear .-
- I do not know. They told me to give this thing on the top floor. -
He opened his wallet and checked the documents.
I spun around, taking my right shoulder.
- Do not touch me. Better than you .-
- Why else? - He laughed and jumped like a pudding in do so, his hand still on his shoulder.
- Because otherwise I'll kill you .- Maybe I should not tell a gigaciccione with gun in hand, but now ...
- Stop and do not move. -
He took his paw on my shoulder, stepped back into his seat with the gun pointed at me and pressed a button on the keyboard of a phone. Brrr, that look bad ...
- Here Ralph. There's a guy who says he has to deliver a box on the roof. -
A high-pitched voice, almost a woman, replied instantly: - Who is it? Who has to meet? -
- says he does not know. Jack Pendra .-
- Never heard of. See a bit of hold ', if you have not forgotten how. I'm coming. -
hung up and mumbled something that did not seem to belong to the category of compliments. It seems not to run a lot of sympathy between the two ... Best remembered for another time.
Still with his hands up. And if I tried to do some 'communication? Phrases or constructive discourse? Phrases:
- Cool, eh? Thank goodness spring is coming. -
- Already -
Great party. He watched the pendant and held it up to the light to see it better. I lowered my arms and the jacket creaked. The idiot son of godzilla is better paid and I pointed the gun on him, I raised my arms suddenly.
- Stop! What do you think? -
- rest. -
- I told you not to fuck with me! -
He went as fast as he could and hit me with the butt of Glok his left temple. Those guns are bad even without fire. I fell on all fours without losing any of your senses for a miracle and the excrement took me by the arm raised with a jerk.
Never touch me twice.
soon as I walk in anger came over me with the force of a jackhammer doped. Abbattei my hands on his ears open for dazed, and walked away as a step backwards, confused, I grabbed him by the shoulders by pulling on the right knee with as much strength I had, and cut off by the breath that uttered with force now knew that humanity was saved by his progeny. He fell on the box of wine and I felt something break. I lost two bottles of rum! I took a kick to the belly of a bastard, only frustration.
The door behind the desk opened and the caretaker came out with the man who probably was talking about the fat man to the ground just before the intercom. After a moment of loss he pulled out his gun and began firing at me. I dove to the ground, reaching the counter monitor. Luckily I did not hit, but came to the race as he could reach the other door with the sign "high voltage" next to the elevator. The light switch was there. I unplugged everything. A few seconds and the emergency generator started to do his job. Also on the ground, closed the door on instinct while the man tried to break through with a kick. Was stronger than what I believed, and the background. I was still on the ground, back against the wall and did not know how to react, was about to shoot me and I do not think I would survive this time. Dark. Everything went out, I felt a thud and a gurgle, then the slow steps, to more people. The lights came on again, out the door appeared three thugs are at least two heads than me, dressed in black with night vision goggles. The guard was on the ground in a pool of blood, her hands covering a gash to the throat from which came his interior paint, was agonizzando, sputava rosso. Una voce robotica allungò una mano per aiutarmi ad alzarmi:
- In piedi.- Respinsi l'aiuto con uno schiaffo.
- Odio essere toccato.-
Mi sembrò di sentire una risatina soffocata mentre mi tiravo su.
Andai fuori dallo stanzino, sorvegliato in silenzio da quei tre giganti, e notai che del sangue copriva anche il ciccione e la cassa di vino. Mi fermai un attimo, presi la mia roba dal bancone e accesi una sigaretta. Ero un po' sotto shock e come al solito non capivo:
- Perché farli fuori? - Chiesi a nessuno in particolare.
Una voce più bassa della prima mi rispose: - Ordini dal Boss. -
- E chi cazzo sarebbe? -
I immediately jumped on me and I landed, the cigarette flew over the chest wet with blood and wine.
- Do not you ever use such language in speaking of him! -
coughed per shot, a hand me banging my head on the floor. I could not react, but the nausea of \u200b\u200btouch on me was really cool. They rose slowly, and so did I, taking the cigarette and threw it in disgust. Was turned off. They took me to the elevator and went with me. Under the buttons of the plans was a lock that in a modern elevator was not there to do anything really. The man on my right hand, insert the key, gave two turns too noisy and the box portagente skyrocketed. The light that indicated the position he stopped between the fifth and sixth floors. The doors opened up a huge room, blinding white, right and left of the center and gray columns, after all, with a mahogany table behind a chair already occupied.
- Let him come to me. Sit down, please. I can offer something to drink? -
I was a bit 'suspicious, but I was thirsty ... - A triple whiskey, thanks. -
I went up and the guy showed me a chair in front of you. I sat down and one of those three giant rested on a glass table in my place, one small and filled with a dark liquid in front of the old man looked at me studying. I raised the butt of the cigarette and, still in silence when I had sat down, still pointed to an ashtray set in the table, where I turned off the butt. He looked at me again. I waited before attacking the soul of the malt in the glass. He would say something, and although I had no idea what it was, certainly worth hearing. I felt inside.


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